chapter 7

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Harry's car in picture

Harry's POV

"Ugh why the hell would you park so far away! I bet its because your car is so old and broken down you don't want anyone to see it right, fucking freak" Louis complained as we walked passed the parking lot, I ignored him and just continued walking to where I usually park.

we walked a little bit more until i stopped and unlocked my car I brought the sliver BMW my step dad got me for my 17th I usually drove my range rover but I wanted to change it up a little today.
I was pulled from my taughts by a gasp "oh my god! is this you car?!" He asked unable to hide the shock on his face while looking at the car like its the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
"y-yeah" I stuttered still scared but also a little proud of myself from how he looked somewhat impressed at something I own,
however I was forcefully pulled tumbling after Louis as he walked around the car and examined the car "OH MY GOD! This is beautiful...u either stole this or your parents are VERY rich but I think it's the lather because you're to much of a pussy to ever steal anything" he exclaimed finally looking away from the vehicle. I once again ignored him and was about to enter the car when I realized that I'm attached to a person and this is going to be a lot more difficult then I first taught..
" how are we going to do this?" Louis asked seemly confused "wait, could I" He added looking a little embarrassed to be asking, I blankly stared at him for a couple seconds before I doubled over laughing
After regaining my composer I looked up at a flushed Louis before telling him a simple but effective  "fuck no" making louis pout and stump his foot like a child and honestly is was kinda adorable "oh come on, pleeeeaaassseee?" He said dragging out letters, "oh wow who would have thought , the Louis Tomlinson is begging me? Harry styles for that of a simple car ride? Never thought I would see the day honestly"
I replied somewhat smug.

Louis looked at me with shock written all over his face probably because I didn't stutter or maybe because he's not used to being denied anything...ever, though it was probably a bit of both. Soon enough though his facial expression turned from shock to anger
Well it was nice while it lasted anyways. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? HM?!" He yelled shoving me back up against my car gripping my cardigan "YOU THINK YOU CAN TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU FUCKING FREAK? Just remember we are stuck together for the next two months fag so don't fuck with me ok? Because I will make your life a living fucking hell, you got that fag?" He whispered the last bit coming closer to make sure I heard him. I quickly nodded to show him I understood, him being so close to me would be so hot if I wasn't scared shitless right now.

He released my cardigan and put his hand out expectedly I looked at him confused before he sighed "whether you like it or not I'm gonna have to drive I'm on the right and so is the driver seat you fucking idiot I thought nerds were meant to be smart?"
I thought about it and yeah he's actually right although I still could technically but i would have to kinda twist my arm awkwardly and stuff so I just reached into my pocket and gave him my keys and After much difficulty we managed to get into the car.

Ok I know this is WAYYY long overdue but I had super important exams and I am very sorry but here u are :) lol I hope people still have this in their library :p XX hope u liked it

Stuck to you-Larry stylinson (loucel)Where stories live. Discover now