Chapter 4

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Mercel's POV

We had to sit and wait outside the door of Mr. Cowell's office while i'm guessing he calls our parents... me siting on a chair on one side of the door and Louis on the other side looking so calm. Why the hell am I freaking out, I can't stop shaking, I even started biting my sleeve again, not like a child chewing it and getting Silvia on it,no that's disgusting! I just bite into it really hard, I think it releases stress I don't know but it seems to distract me a bit, it's a really bad habit that I've been trying to stop but I guess I just can't ugh! And you know the most stupidest thing I have ever done in my life well I really wanna get rid of the habit of biting my sleeve so I told Niall that every time I bite my sleeve he should punch and well Niall being Niall decided to take that as an opportunity to punch me really hard and say he's doing it out of love so yeah that's one of my life regrets.

I've never gotten in trouble at school before, I always try to be the perfect student............ well except this one time in middle school when I did my homework but being that I was in such a rush after a long night of watching movies, I forgot it at home. The teacher came around and asked us to hand in our homework and I didn't have it..... I got so upset that I started crying, the teacher begin to feel quite sympathetic towards me because at this stage my face was damp, red and puffy, she tried to calm me down stating that  it was ok and that I could hand in my paper the next day however I still felt really bad about it because I felt that  not only did I let her down but I also let down myself.

The sound of footsteps suddenly broke through my thoughts causing me to get a slight fright I looked up to see an angry looking lady walking towards us, she had chestnut brown hair tied up in a bun, she was quite pretty but she you could tell that she most likely didn't get any sleep last night.

She stopped in front of Louis scowling down at him but Louis never dared to look up to meet the lady's glear keeping his eyes on his shoes, Mr Cowell's door opened causing me and who I'm guessing to be Louis' mother to look up Louis' gauze never leaving his shoes. "ah Mr's Tomlinson glad you could make it" Mr Cowell greeted Louis' mother was about to reply but was interupted by clicking of heels on the hall's floor everyone turned to look and  of course it was my mum arriving late as always or as she would always tell me 'it's called arriving in fashion because by the time you get there everyone is already their waiting and when you finally make an entrance all eyes will be on you' of course i never took that advice cause I'm as awkward as shit and I feel insecure when people look at me, "hello sorry I'm late traffic is terrible"mum spoke up when she reached us "no problem Mrs Twist would you both like to come in I would like to talk and run something by you before we let the boys in to talk" Mr Cowell replied both mums nodded and walked into Mr Cowell's office.

As if I wasn't already nervous what could they do to us that is so bad they have to run it pass our parents without us in the room maybe they are gonna ask my mother for my medical records so they can take one of my kidneys and sell it so the school can get more needed supplies!! ok fine maybe I'm over thinking this just a little bit but like I said i've never been in this kind of trouble before but think about it what if I  get suspended or worse yet expelled then my perfect recorded would be ruined and I would never get into Cambridge uni like i've always dreamed.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of Mr Cowell's door opening "Mr Styles , Mr Tomlinson you can both come in now" Mr Cowell said in a Stern voice me and Louis stoop up and slowly made our way into the office we both took a seat on the chairs next to our mum's.

Mr Cowell sat in his chair opposite us behind the wooden desk , he gave us a stern look before he began to speak " ok so Mr Tomlinson , Mr styles you two get to be the first to try out a new am lets say punishment for students who just don't seem to get along and from looking at past records you two seem to be in quite the conflict for the past couple of years" oh god they are gonna take our kidneys oh god what ha- "Anyways we have run it by your parents and they both agreed" Mr Cowell continued looking at our mums and they just nodded in reply Mr Cowell coughed before he continued

"well boys you two are going to be handcuffed together for two months so you can get a chance to get to know one and other properly and hopefully build a friendship" Mr Cowell stated pausing to let it sink in I just sat there gaping at him excuse my french but what the literal fuck? I was about to open my moth to speak but was interrupted by Louis standing up "what the fuck! is their something wrong with you? you honestly expect me to let myself be handcuffed to that nerdyfag wha-what if I have to use the toilet or take a shower what if the nerd rapes me!"Louis yelled rage clear in his voice and actually seeming genuinely freaked out that I would actually rape him, everything went quiet and everyone way staring at louis mouth agape well except for me I'm used to him saying things like that to me.

Louis' mother was the first to speak up "Lious Willam Tomlinson! you do not talk to anyone like that!" she said in a stern yet loud yet motherly tone and she turned to face me and gave me an apologetic look.

"well Mr Tomlinson the candcuff's chain when pulled out all the way is two meter so you wont have much trouble with bathroom issues and Mr Tomlinson this if your 3rd offence this year and it's hardly even been a full week so if you refuse to do this you will be expelled which is really not good considering it's your last year and all.....are we clear Mr Tomlinson?" Mr Cowell said looking at Louis who was now slowly sinking back into his chair he nodded slowly still in a bit of a shocked expression Mr Cowell turned to me "Marcel I know this is just your first offence and you don't deserve this kind of punishment but lets just say it was bad timing but don't worry since you two both are agreeing to do this none of it will be on your permeate records" he said and I breathed i sigh of relief at the last part but over all just nodded slowly keeping my gauze on the floor my mum put her arms around my shoulders for comfort and I just relaxed into her touch but I honestly still cant believe she agreed to all this ."Ok boys so you have one more day of freedom and organizing a schedule for whose house you stay at and all that stuff but you will both meet me here tomorrow after the last bell got it boys?" Mr Cowell questioned we both replied with a low 'yes sir' and got up to leave the office.


ok so today has been an eventful day...I got into a fight with the person I have feared and hated for years now, I got caught ,got in quite a pickle and you know what fuck my life!

HIIIII!!! so I'm so very sorry I have'nt updated in what like a month now and I'm really sorry about that but I do have my reasons I swear it will just to long to type out anywhoo I just want to thank people who are actually still reading this and the people that commented even just asking me to update show me that you atcually like this crap i'm writing anyways I'll stop talking now and this time I promise I will update more often oh oh one more thing love you  ;)

like the new cover?? pst I made it :P vote ,comment 3

Stuck to you-Larry stylinson (loucel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum