Chapter 1

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*Third Person POV

Yeosang's life growing up was never easy. His classmates grew a particular liking to bullying him. Why? He never knew maybe because it was easy, or because he was to small to fight back. Two students in specific just loved seeing him in pain their names Jackson and JB. Yeosang always asked them what he did to deserve the treatment he got from them but their answers were always the same. He was always to skinny, or to much of a gay nerd, even that one freak with an ugly birthmark.

His classmates found all of his weaknesses and used them against him. At first they were just mental attacks name calling and small threats, but they soon got physical he was lucky if he could go a day or two without ending up with bruises trailing down his ribs. As long as he was hit under his clothes where no teacher could see the beatings could continue without interruption. His parents always supported him the best they could they had a nice house, lived in a nice neighborhood, had good paying jobs. If it weren't for the bullying Yeosang could have lived a happy and normal life full of love.

 But looks like god or whoever had another plan for him. Yeosang used to be so innocent and pure but all of that changed over the summer after his freshman year of college.

It was the start of his sophomore year of college and he was beginning to move on from his previous summer events. Today was the day he met his new dorm room-mate for the year. He heard his room-mate was from out of town, and that helped soothe his nerves some. Yeosang at this point was finishing making his bed and unpacking the remainder of his hoodies when he heard the doorknob start to jiggle. 

He instantly turned around to see two boys that looked around his age talking about something called a Yungi. One of the boys had  light purple colored hair with flawless tan skin while the other boy had dark brown wavy hair with a jawline so sharp you could cut your finger. Both boys were struggling carrying boxes and laundry baskets through the doorway trying to turn sideways to fit inside the room.

*Yeosang's POV

I hopped up seeing the boys obviously about to drop the boxes and slid the top box of of the purple hairs' stack of stuff.

"Thanks for that, I'm Wooyoung! You must be my new room-mate?" said the purple haired boy

"Oh y-yeah I'm Yeosang." I said, god I sound so dumb when I stutter

Wooyoung had sat down his other two boxes on the empty bed to his right, he then continued to grab the laundry basket full of clothes from the dark headed boy still in the doorway.

I peaked at the boy still standing in the doorway, and I guess Wooyoung took notice because he glanced at me and then the other boy. With a sudden look of realization he opened his mouth slightly wide and exclaimed... "Oh right sorry" he grabbed the boys hand and pulled him further into the room "This is San he's my boyfriend, he was just helping me move my things."

San the now identified handsome boy stuck his hand out to me and smirked. I swear it was the sweetest thing when he smiled because his eyes became little crescent moons and little cheek dimples appeared. I shook his hand softly while admiring his features. "N-nice to meet you" I smiled back a little to not seem rude.

I backed away a little and sat on the edge of my bed staring out the window at all the busy kids shuffling their belongings in and out of the dorm buildings. 

"So what are you studying here?" I heard Wooyoung ask me while he and San were putting his sheets on his bed. I sat with my fingers twiddling with my hoodie strings for a couple seconds before I spoke up. "I'm majoring in Music studies and minoring in Marketing and Greek Mythology, what about you?" i asked almost hesitantly. "Same almost, I'm also majoring in Music studies but I'm minoring in dance and journalism!"

I replied with a simple "Oh really that's cool." Trying my best to make at least one friend since I had zero. As I sat on my red comforter with my Hehetmon plushy in hand, I hadn't even realized Wooyoung was done unpacking.

I turned my head to see San and Wooyoung snuggled together. Wooyoung's head pressed against San's shoulder with San's head just on top of his with their hands intertwined. I honestly uwued in my mind, the scene was just so cute. 

Just then they both stood up and did a light stretch. Wooyoung glanced over at me "Hey Yeosang would you want to go grab lunch with me and San?" he must have sensed the hesitance in the air because he followed with "You must be tired from moving your things, plus it would be a good way to get to know my room-mate better!" I was almost happy he actually wanted me to come with them, I just hope that his kindness wouldn't change. I slid off the edge of my bed grabbing my phone, keys, and my wallet. Peering up to meet his gaze "Let's get some food in my stomach" I said while patting my tummy. He smiled big showing his pearly whites, and a gorgeous smile he did have. He started hopping toward the dorm hall way grabbing San's hands and pulling him along.

I shut and locked the door behind me while San and Wooyoung waited hand in hand. I walked beside Wooyoung who just went on talking about Yungi, which turns out isn't a what it's a who and it's two people named Mingi and Yunho. Turns out they were talking about how they felt that their title of cutest couple in their friend group was threatened by these two others because they just came out as officially dating.

We finally arrived to the Cafeteria that wasn't way to packed do to most of the students still moving into their dorms. I made my way to the register with two chocolate muffins, some gummy bears, and a banana milk. While the other two just had bowls of ramen and bottles of water. We made our way to a booth closer to the back of the room and sat down while placing our food on the table in front of us. 

I heard Wooyoung snicker under his breath and San just radiated this big grin as they looked at my food. Probably because not many people would expect some one to eat nothing but sweets for lunch.

*Time Skip (2 hours later)

I sat laughing at Wooyoung's hyena laugh on the verge of tears while him and San were talking about their first date and what a disaster it was but how they still agreed to go on another one because it was still funnier than hell. Over the last couple hours I learned a lot about them favorite music, favorite foods, all about their other friends, and what they want to do once they graduate. San even mentioned that his dorm was just down the hall from mine and Wooyoung's room. We were getting ready to head back to our dorm when I stood up from the booth and turned around to come face to face with a rather tall boy that had angelic features. I jumped a little since I hadn't expected to come so close to a total stranger. 

"Sorry about that I didn't mean to startle you."

But the truth is his face, his body didn't scare me at all. He was the human embodiment of Beauty.

And turns out he's also San's room-mate.

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