Chapter 3

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*Yeosang's POV

Seonghwa bent over with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands , and before I knew it he started to quietly sob. The boy was crying and I didn't know why.

" W-we had just finished meeting with our professor and we w-were going to grab coffee before we headed back to the dorms and I ran into the cafe while San waited outside for me, I walked out and saw San on the ground surrounded by a couple guys kicking his body. I y-yelled for help as I got closer and the guys ran off but San w-was still hurt and all he said was "Woo's gonna kill me" but he had tears sliding down his cheeks and I felt so bad that I wasn't there to help him."

"It's all my fault Y-yeosang, he wouldn't be here, and he w-wouldn't be hurt if I would have been with him", "Wooyoung wouldn't be in pain knowing San is hurt either", "H-he's my best-friend and it's m-my fault." Seonghwa's tears continued to fall, once again I felt bad and I knew that San and Wooyoung wouldn't blame him because it wasn't his fault even I knew that.

I placed my hand on his back and gently rubbed small circles with my hand 

"It is not your fault that this happened, it is those guys' fault that this happened it was their choice to inflict pain on someone, and I think that you are the best friend San could have because you're here with him now, and you went and got Wooyoung one of the only other people that can help him deal with this. So you are a great best-friend and none of this is your fault. Okay?"

Seonghwa looked at me somewhat shocked with tears still in his eyes and let out a small sigh with quivering lips. I reached my arms out and wrapped them around his torso for a light hug and he hugged back but tighter. I pulled away after a few seconds and I looked at him as he quietly whispered "Okay."

I stood up slowly and grabbed Wooyoung's bag and quietly made my way over to Wooyoung. I lightly tapped on Wooyoung's shoulder and whispered "Hey Wooyoungie I have your stuff, I brought some comfy clothes so you can be more comfortable, if you wanna go change real quick me and Hwa will stay and watch San."

Wooyoung sleepily nodded his head and rubbed his tired eyes, standing up to lightly stretch. He walked to the door and glanced back at me with his bag over his shoulder before he went to change in the bathroom.

Not even ten minutes later Wooyoung returned changed into gray sweats and a deep blue hoodie. I stood up to give his seat back but before I could move Wooyoung pulled me into a deep hug his head on my shoulder his voice was muffled but I could still hear what he had said

"Thank you so much Yeosang, you don't know how much your kindness means to me. I really appreciate you and I know we've only been friends for a day but I feel like I've know you for years. Just thank you."

"Yeah of course, I appreciate you too." I said 

Wooyoung sat back down and slipped his hand back into San's. He laid his head down on the bed while humming and staring at San. Not but 15 minutes later Wooyoung and San were both in a deep slumber and I couldn't blame them it was almost midnight at this point and we were all tired.

I went back to the pair chairs Seonghwa was still sitting in and sat down beside him. Seonghwa looked at me with a smile curling up on his beautifully sculpted lips and said "Hwa?"

I blushed a little realizing that I had called him Hwa when I was speaking with Wooyoung.

"Yeah, is that okay?" I asked 

"Yeah I like it" he replied back with his smile still growing.

I looked away since I knew I wouldn't be able to contain my thoughts if I didn't.

I closed my eyes and before I knew it sleep over took my body.

*Seonghwa's POV 

I awoke early in the morning and glanced around noticing I was still in the nurse's office. I was starting to move my body when I noticed a weight on my shoulder, I looked down and realized it was Yeosang. He must have fallen asleep on my shoulder not that I minded because he was a beautiful boy. I just sat there looking at him, it was like star gazing watching someone so beautiful shine not even trying. I couldn't help but to smile looking in his direction. I observed Yeosang's sleeping habits the way his eyelashes would flutter, and the small snores almost kitten like that seeped through his partially closed lips. He was adorable and beautiful, he was caring. No wonder he fell asleep he must've been exhausted from comforting me and Woo lastnight. He dealt with me breaking down on him right after meeting and consoled Woo when he found out San was hurt. How could he handle that? that amount of emotion. Why did he? he'd only really just met us.

I tried to push my shoulder back slightly to make it more comfortable for Yeosang but out of nowhere he jerked himself awake and fell to the floor, he turned to look at me with fear in his eyes and let out choked breaths. He looked like he just woke up from a nightmare. I was beyond surprised yet worried he looked like he was gonna cry.

"Are you okay Yeosang?" I asked 

He flinched harshly as I stood up walking closer to him. He stood up walking quickly towards the door

"Tell Wooyoung I'll be back later, I just need to do something" he said in an almost sad tone.

Just like that he was gone, i sat back down confused and wondering what had just happened.

Why did he leave like that?

My Euphoria (Seongsang)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα