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Perth excused himself and went to the toilet as Saint sat there eating his food alone. After a while, Perth came back with a huge grin on his face. He escorted Saint out to the car and brought him to a well-decorated park.

On his knees, he took out a small box and gave his infamous smile.

"Will you marry me, Saint Suppapong?"

With tears in his eyes, he nods "Yes!"

Perth fit the ring into Saint's finger and gave a kiss on his hand and on his lips. They hugged each other with tears pouring out. The lives that they have always dreamt of. Walking back into the house, they made love that night. Although, Perth did not know that it would be the last time.


Their marriage was officially held. They exchanged vows and announced to the whole world that they were married. Everyone was happy for them.

After 1 year, Saint told Perth that he had to go on a business trip but in reality was to the hospital. Saint had shaved his head when asked why by Perth he could only say it was for prayers. Perth who was clueless about everything did not notice any change. Saint was getting very weak, the doctor had said he had only 5 more days to live.

Saint did not waste any of his time and wrote letters for his girl till she was 18 years old and one long letter for Perth. During writing those, Saint could not help himself but cry looking at his situation.

Saint finally told Perth about this on his last day. Perth cried his heart out and could not bear to let his husband go but he finally did, with a smile on his face on the hospital bed. Perth could not eat for a few weeks but he had to be strong for their kid.

Not forgetting to visit his husband's grave every year bringing pink carnations together with Chinda. He also gave Chinda her letter from Saint every year which always brought joy to Chinda.


Thank you for reading this short story on more about Saint's death. 

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