Tex The Carnotarus

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Blaze had awoke around dinner time. Ivy was still sleeping soundly. Blaze walked out of the cave and looked around. Everything was quiet surprisingly. He walked towards the riverbank and felt the sand pile between his toes. I dipped my head down and took a sip of water. There was a school of small fish swimming around his head. Blaze quickly nabbed a few in my mouth. He lifted his head up to see a brown, baby Carnotarus on the other side of the river. Blaze didn't roar but he gave a curious chirp. It looked up and chirped back. Blaze had made a new friend! He walked across the river to see it. The baby took some steps back, but eventually warmed up to Blaze and walked over to him. He chirped at Blaze and he chirped back. Blaze had decided to name him Tex. Blaze gave a bellow, signalling him to follow Blaze. The Carno nodded and followed him. Blaze walked back into the cave and he followed. Ivy was awake at this point and looked at Blaze and Tex. She roared at Tex, causing him to cower behind Blaze. He growled at Ivy, causing her to back down. Even though Blaze tended to be a coward at moments, he's still the oldest and in charge. He ripped some flesh off off a Corythosaurus Blaze killed and gave it to Tex. He quickly ate the flesh and sat in a corner. Blaze looked at Tex and ushered him to have a spot to sleep. Tex slowly walked over to the spot and laid down. Blaze laid back down in his spot and went to sleep.

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