The Hidden Valley

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Tex opened his eyes weakly, he is in a clear opening. Ivy was laying 10 yards from him. Tex stood up, weakly and walked over to Ivy. Tex nudged her. She wasn't moving. Tex picked her up and set her on his back and began to look for Blaze and Lily

Blaze ripped a vine from a tree and looked around. Nothing. He and Lily stepped over the log that laid in front of them and walked into the clear only shaded by the forest canopy. They both slowly walked through the opening, ready to attack. A rustling in the bushes beside them spooked them, causing them to turn. Suddenly, Blue Stripe jumped out, this time with more back up. He screech and pounced on Lily, knocked her to the ground and began to rip into her flesh. Blaze quickly jumped into action and bit into Blue Stripe and shook him around. He threw him against a rock. His minions charged at Blaze, ready to take the adult Tarbosaur down. The 4 Dakotaraptors jumped onyo Blaze and ripped into his flesh. Blaze snapped down on one of the Dakotaraptor's tails and flung it into the brush. Blaze knocked another off and stepped on its head. The other 2, visible scared, jumped off and ran over to Blue Stripe. Blaze walked over and picked up Blue Stripe in his jaws and proceeded to eat the Dakotaraptor. One threat down. Blaze ran back over to Lily and helped her. She was bleeding. Badly. He helped her up and walked her over to a tree. He quickly grabbed some leaves and pressed them onto's Lily's wounds. He pushed them down, causing Lily to groan weakly. The leaves were working, but they would only work for a few hours. Blaze helped up Lily and the both walked out of the forest, still looking for Tex and Ivy.

Tex called out for Blaze and Lily, waking Ivy in the process. She opened her eyes and chirped. Tex chirped back and continued to walk. Tex stopped dead in his tracks when her heard a road. A roar that sounded like Blaze. He roared back and then the footsteps started to speed up. But, whatever it was, it was bigger than Blaze. Tex quickly ran to a large bush and crouched down. Tex looked through the bush to see what the creature was. 2 Gorgosaurs walked into the opening, one of them holding the corpse of Xenoceratops in her jaws. The green Gorgosaurus dropped the body and began to rip the body apart. The male, who was a bit smaller, ripped a leg off the body, spilling blood all over the grass. Tex quietly began to back up. It was all good, until a branch snapped under Tex's foot. The Gorgosaur's looked up and began to walk into the forest. Tex quickly ran through the forest, trying to not knock Ivy off his back. He quickly ran through the forest, suddenly bumping into something, knocking Tex and Ivy over. Tex shook the dirt off his head and looked up. It was a wounded Blaze and Lily. He stood up, helping Ivy up off the ground and they both walked over to Blaze. They chirped and roared until something began to walk over to them. Tex quickly told Blaze and Lily to follow them and all together they quickly ran back to the hill they fell down and climbed back up and through the log. They walked through the destroyed log and jumped back down into the swamp. They all walked back to Tarbo Cliff.

Blaze set Lily down and laid next to her. Tex and Ivy sat down over by some vines, where Tex was wrapping them around Ivy's wounds. Lily piped up and began to chirp to Blaze. Lily began to curl up and lay on the ground. He chirped one last time before falling asleep. Blaze looked over at her in astonishment and surprise. Lily was pregnant with Blaze's offspring.

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