Blue Stripe

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When morning came, the first realization was that the Brontomerus's were gone, leaving muddy footprints in the swamp banks. Blaze looked around not only did he see Brontomerus footprints, he saw Parasaurolophus footprints, scattered and messy, like they were fleeing. Blaze nudged Lily's side lightly, waking her up. They both stood up and looked around. Way off in the distance, Blaze and Lily saw a brown lump. They woke Tex and Ivy up. They all looked at the brown lump in the distance, confused. What was it? They all carefully walked over to it looking around just to be safe. It was a dead Parasaurolophus. It's side had been torn open by something. Suddenly, it moved. Was it still alive, just very weak and almost dead? No. 4 Dakotaraptors jumped on top of the raptor. The biggest one had a long blue stripe that started on its eye and ended at its tail. It was light grey with flecks of red on its feathers. Blood. It roared at them, warning them to back off. Blaze roared back. Blue Stripe jumped at Blaze's face and began to slice his face. Blaze roared and bit Blue Stripes tail. He tore Blue Stripe off his face and threw him at a tree. Another Dakotaraptor charged at Ivy. Tex quickly charged his horns into the Dakotaraptor's chest and threw it on the ground. The last Dakotaraptor jumped at Lily. Blaze quickly grabbed the raptor out of the air with his teeth and eat the raptor whole. Blue Stripe weakly stood up and looked at them. He snarled and ran off into the swamp, disappearing.

Lily finished gathering some leaves and took them back to Blaze. She draped them on his snout to let them soak up the blood. Blaze thank her and laid down. The sun was just about to become noon. Tex had patrolled the area as Ivy ate some of the dead Parasaurolophus. Lily laid down next to Blaze, resting her head on his shoulder. Blaze did the same. He never wants to let Lily out of his sight. He loves her. He cant loose her. He cant loose anybody else. This is his family. He will protect his family at all cost.

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