Death Canyon

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The family left the beach A few hours later and made their way to a place called Death Canyon. Blaze didn't want to go through there, but Tex said it was a quicker route to the Forest Of Light. They began to walk through the canyon. Blaze suddenly felt a change in temperature. It went from a cool Ocean breeze to a hot desert temperature. Blaze looked around. The walls had several holes in them. Ivy's wounds were starting heal, but she still couldn't walk normally. Tex looked ahead to see if he could see if he could see any thing on the other side of the canyon. He couldn't see anything. Soon, some rocks began to slip off the side of the cliff. Blaze looked up at where the rocks came from. They came from the holes in the caves. Blaze roared at where the rocks came from. Soon, Utahraptors came out of the holes by the dozen. The family was surrounded. Tex threatened the Utahraptors with his horns, hoping they would back down. The raptors charged. Tex stabbed one with his horns and knocked it away. Blaze threw another one away. Emerald stood by Tex while he defended her. A raptor jumped at Tex and knocked him down. The raptor began to attack Emerald. Tex got up quick to see the Utahraptor eating Emerald. Tex roared loudly and stabbed the raptor in the head. It fell to the ground dead as Tex ripped another one apart. Blaze bit ones neck and threw it against the stone wall. Blaze roared to Tex, saying they had to run. They all ran away while the raptors chased them. Tex ran ahead and told the other to follow him. They made it to the exit of the canyon and watched the raptor ran after them. Tex pushed over some rocks, crushing some raptors and blocking their exit.

Tex laid on the ground, not moving. His best friend had just been killed right in front of him. Blaze said they had to keep moving, but Tex wouldn't move. They had to move, before the raptors would escape and kill them. Tex finally agreed and he got up. Blaze had already begun to move ahead. Tex looked back at the canyon, held back his tears, and went to go catch up with Blaze.

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