Chapter 3 (very short)

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So don't kill me yet, I've been gone for ages, but I was honestly so caught up in other stories I honestly pushed this aside. BUT I HAVE RETURNED, and am now ready to get back to writing. This will be very short but it is to get a chapter out

Ok, I'll accept my death now...



I lean against the door frame and see the kids looking either terrified, awe struck, or both.

Lee: Well? Are you all gonna stare or are you going to introduce yourselves?...

I then see a girl with blue hair with long bangs, her left side up and out of her face with a hair clip, stand up and give me a look of confidence and fear.

Hair clip: I'm code 015, but I go by Ichigo. I am the leader of plantation 13's Franxx unit.

I then see them start standing up one by one, introducing themselves, when a boy catches my interest

Cocky Brunette boy: I'm code 666, also known as Zorome, plantation 13's ace pilot! None of these guys compare to my level of piloting!

Lee: really?... Well, I guess we should see with a little wager.

He looks taken back and but regains his egotistical personality

Zorome: bring it! I'll accept whatever it is!

A sinister smirk forms on my face as everyone but Belladonna flinches back in fear.

Lee: since you're the "ace pilot" You should be able to beat Belladonna here in a mock battle with ease. If you win, you've proven your point, but if you loose....

His face turns to one of fear and nervousness

Lee: if you loose, you and your partner will be on temporary leave of absence from all Klaxosaur fights for a week. And since you said you would already accept whatever it is, it's now going to happen.

I see him pale and quickly glance over at Miku to see her scared and angry, I then sit down on a couch and see them all still looking at me scared.

Lee: ok please just act normal, you're all creeping me out!

I see Ikuno go back to reading, and Futoshi pull out some food and eat. They go back to their regular activities, as I feel Belladonna sit down on my lap and lay back.

Belladonna: hey darling, you should tell them some of your famous fights~

I see that caught everyone's attention

Lee: ah, ok then... How about the time I wiped out a Lehmann class Klaxosaur with only my pincers?

They all seem ready to listen, some leaning in close, I smile and start the story.

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