(30) Beach Day

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"I have never had as much alcohol then I have had in the past two days," Connie says as she takes another sip from the beer I have in my hand. Connie, Julie, Jordan, and I were all laying on towels tanning. Daisy laughs from her chair, considering she can't lay down due to her small baby bump.

"I wish I could have alcohol," She admits as she pouts. I laugh at her as I sit up from my towel.

"I'm surprised that Jae isn't drinking her life away," Connie says causing all of us to laugh.

"Well, there is a reason to me not drinking as much as I usually do when we're partying," I say with a nervous laugh as I look at the girls who are looking at me confused. "Please don't freak out."

"Please explain," Julie says as her and the other girls sit up from their laying positions. I sigh as I look over towards the ocean where the guys are swimming and messing around with each other.

"So," I begin with a deep sigh. "I haven't been feeling good lately. I honestly thought it was just nerves from the wedding and everything with Matthew. I have been throwing up for two weeks straight and this morning I thought  I wouldn't' and I'd be fine, but I wasn't."

The four of them look at me in shock, all of them thinking the same thing I was.

"Jaelyn Williams!" Connie practically shouts. "I know you are smarter than that! How did you not realize!"

I laugh loudly at her sudden outburst and so do the other girls.

"I could be an aunt and you didn't even tell me!" She says dramatically as she grabs me by the shoulders. "Have you talked to Luis?"

"No," I say shaking my head. "I was going to take a test to make sure before I say anything."

"We are getting you one tonight!" Jordan says excitedly clapping her hands. "I'll go and get one before we go back to the hotel."

"And we'll all be there for the results!" Julie says as she squeals loudly. 

"If you are pregnant," Daisy says to me. "That means are babies would only be like three months apart. How cute is that!"

All of the girls squeal and I throw my arms around her. I am suddenly really hoping that I am pregnant. Connie gasps which makes all of us turn and look at her.

"I have an idea!" She says clapping her hands together. "If Jae is actually pregnant, we should tell Luis at the dinner tomorrow!"

Connie rented out the entire top floor of this fancy restaurant that is on the beach for tomorrow night. Tomorrow night will be the last night we all spend together before we all go back to our normal lives and Connie and Guy go to their honeymoon for the week.

"That would be so cute!" I say as I jump up to wrap my arms around her. The girls and I discuss the plan for buying a pregnancy test without the guys knowing when we hear the sound of running footsteps. I turn my head and I see the boys, completely soaked, running towards us at full speed.

"Oh, god!" Connie says as she starts running away from Guy, who is running right towards her. My eyes go wide when I see Luis sprinting towards me. I go running from him but he quickly catches me, throwing his arms around me and pulling me close to his soaking body.

"Luis!" I whine as I look up at him with a pout. "I just put tanning oil on like ten minutes ago!"

"You have been tanning for like two hours," He says as he rolls his eyes, laughing lightly at my pouty face.  "Come in the ocean, it's fun."

"Might as well," I say with a shrug. "We're probably leaving soon, Connie wants to go to the pier tonight."

"Sounds like Connie," He says laughing as he places a kiss on my forehead. The smile on his face soon turns to a smirk.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask as I cross my arms across my almost bare chest and raise my eyebrows at him.

"Race to the water?" He asks with the same playful smirk. I roll my eyes and laugh before I nod.

"Hell yeah," I say nudging him in his side. "You're going down, Mendoza."

"Yeah right," He scoffs and rolls his eyes at me. Suddenly, Averman and Goldberg come up next to us counting down. 

"Go!" They both yell. Luis and I take off running towards the water. I'm pretty fast but clearly not as fast as Luis. He jumps into the water as he lifts his arms up in victory. I roll my eyes before jumping in with him.

"You only won because your legs are longer," I say in a teasing tone. He laughs and rolls his eyes as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"It's not my fault you have small legs," He says laughing. "You're so short."

I scoff and roll my eyes, "We have been over this, I'm not short. You're just freakishly tall."

"You were still short when I was five eight in high school," He says as he arches an eyebrow. I laugh loudly, remembering how short Luis used to be.

"You were definitely the shortest boy on the team," I say laughing as I lean against his chest.

"No way," He says laughing, his chest vibrating against my cheek. "I was definitely taller than Goldie."

"Hey! I'm not that short!" Goldie complains as he, Charlie, Portman, and Averman make their ways towards us. Luis and I laugh at Goldberg's pouty face.

"No you are short," Charlie says laughing. "You have been five-seven since freshman year!"

"You guys are just a bunch of bullies," Goldie says as he crosses his arms across his chest. Portman smirks to himself before lifting Goldberg into his arms.

"What are you doing?" Goldie asks Portman in fear as he holds him in his arms. "Put me down, man!"

Portman just shakes his head before tossing Goldberg into the water, the water splashing all of us as we laugh loudly at him. He resurfaces and instantly goes after Portman. He lounges at him which causes all four of the boys to start wrestling each other.

I sigh happily as I place a kiss on Luis' bare chest, "Life is so peaceful now."

damn right, life is peaceful without matthew lol.

psycho | adam banks & luis mendoza ²Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora