(6) freak...

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The next morning I woke up in Luis' bed by myself. I immediately sit up and look around at my surroundings. What happened? Things were thrown around the room, the chair to Luis' desk was tossed across the room, and clothes were thrown everywhere. The moment I stepped out of bed, I could hear the sound of faint screaming. I rushed to the sound only to find Grayson and Luis fighting in Grayson's room. Luis punches Grayson right across the face as I open the door. They were so busy fighting they never even realized I walked in the door.

"What were you doing with her?" Grayson yells as he swings at Luis. Luis dodges it as he reaches out for Grayson's arms, trying to stop him from throwing another.

"I didn't do anything! She's my best friend, I was helping her." Luis yells as he struggles to hold Grayson back. Ouch.

"Best friends my ass! Best friends don't sleep in the same bed together. Best friends don't kiss!" Grayson says as he finally gets free of Luis' hold. He catches Luis off guard and hits him so hard he nearly falls over.

"You need to stop!" Luis yells loudly as he holds the cheek that just collided with Grayson's fist. "We're supposed to be best friends, man."

"Best friends don't do that to each other," Grayson fires back with such hatred dripping from his voice. My heart breaks knowing I was the one who caused this.

"Stop!" I yell loudly, catching their attention. "What are you doing?"

"The real question is what the hell were you doing?" Grayson yells angrily. He pokes my chest and gets to close for comfort. I gulp as I take a step backward. Memories bounce off the walls of my brain, reliving the awful pain I've been through. He reminded me so much of Matthew and all the times he put me through pain. He reminded me of the one time Tyler put his hands on me. How hard I cried, how scared I was.

"Don't fucking touch her," Luis yells as he throws another punch. Tears blurred my vision as I watched the fighting before me.

"Please, please stop!" I yell so loud my voice cracks. I was crying so hard my chest ached, I was so scared. During my hospitalization, I never saw things. I am not sure if it was the medication they put me on or the thought of finally being safe from him. I haven't had a schizophrenic episode in a very long time. I didn't know what to do next. I haven't been so scared and sad in such a long time, that's what used to trigger them.

"Jae?" I hear Luis' voice. His voice sounded so far like I couldn't reach it if I tried. All I could do was stare at him, at Matthew.

"Please Jae," I could feel Grayson roughly shaking my shoulders but I didn't budge. This brought back memories of the first episode I had after escaping. I was with Adam that night...

"Go away," I mumble. I could feel the panic rising within me, my knees felt weak as my whole body shook. "Please go away."

"Me?" Grayson voice cracks. I could feel the sadness coming from his voice I shake my head aggressively.

"No, no, no," I say repeatedly. I shut my eyes in hopes this will go away but it doesn't and I find myself on my knees. I was trying to speak but I couldn't. Grayson reaches out for me but I'm quick to pull away. He stares at me with sad eyes as I try to walk away from him.

"Don't touch me," I say loudly. "Get out," Grayson's face turned red with anger. I regret the words that come out not pointed towards him. I didn't mean to say it to him, it's hard to feel like your minds in the right place when you can see the person who destroyed your life staring at you.

"Me get out?" Grayson yells so loud I could feel the house shake. Luis tightly pulls me into his arms. "You are the one who is temporarily staying here! You are the one who can't take care of yourself. Look at you! What are you, a fucking freak?"


"Watch out for Daisy, you freak?"
Daisy? Freak? Who's Daisy? Why am I a freak?

"You're such a dick," Luis says. I could feel how angry he was, his whole body was shaking. He went to swing on Grayson again but I caught his hand in time.

"He's right," I whisper quietly. Grayson's angry expression fades, his face softens when he hears what I say.

"No. No Jae. He's not right. Please don't listen to him," Luis practically begs me. I sigh deeply, trying to hold back the tears that want to come out so badly again.

"I am a fucking freak," I say in a normal voice this time.

"I didn't mean it," Grayson says as he reaches his hand towards me. I wiggle out of Luis' tight grip and walk straight out of the room. Once I reach my room, I lock the door and go straight to the bathroom.



"Jae! I missed you," Connie yells happily as she embraces me in a hug. I laugh lightly as I hug her back.

"Connie it's been a day," I say smiling. "But I missed you too!"

"I have great news!" Connie says excitedly as she plops down of my bed.

"Which is?" I ask taking a seat next to her.

"We leave for New York in two days!" She says happily as she throws her arms around me again. "I also want you to be a part of my new campaign! I think it would be awesome for us to do this together. Besides you're beautiful, why not show the world?"

The thought of putting my name out there and modeling for a huge company scared me. Matthew is still out there and everyone knows about me. I was all over the news when I disappeared when I was seven. What if people thought I was crazy or as Grayson would say a freak. Ashley would want me to get out of my comfort zone, she would want me to be happy. Maybe this would be good for me. If I actually like modeling, maybe I could get a job for it or even attempt to publish one of the many books I wrote. I need a job quickly, I don't really want to live with Grayson any longer.

"That would be so cool! I'm in," I say smiling. Connie lets out a squeal as she excitedly jumps off my bed.

"This is going to be amazing! My best friend and I taking over the fashion world. Can you imagine? Everyone's going to love you," she says as she claps her hands together loudly.

"Hey uh can I talk to Jae alone?" Luis says from the doorway causing both of us to jump in shock.

"Yeah. Of course," Connie says a little too happy as she leaves the room. She makes sure to wink at me before closing the door behind her. She hasn't changed a bit.

"How much did you here earlier?" Luis asks after a moment of silence.

"Mostly all of it," I reply sadly.

"Did you hear-"

"It hurt my feelings," I admitted truthfully.

"I didn't mean it. I was scared to lose him as a friend," He says. I sigh deeply as I stare down at my hands.

"Are you sure you didn't mean it?" I ask as I look up at him with hopeful eyes. The corners of his mouth curl into a smile.

"Of course I mean it. I've been in love with you since we were seventeen," He says. My heart starts to beat faster as I process his words. I remember those times. Luis was there for me through everything. I remember when Adam and I made up and I invited him to go out with us for my birthday. Luis was so mad that night. I regret ever forgiving Adam.

"I'm so sorry for everything I did then. I thought that Adam was good for me. I was so stupid to think he could ever love me. You were so good for me and you still are. I don't know how someone like you could love someone like me. I'm a freak," I whisper the last part as I start to cry.

"You are not a freak. You are so fucking amazing. You have been through so much that you don't deserve. I'm so proud of you. You truly are the strongest girl I know," He says. He leans in slowly before placing his lips on mine. It was like that for a few minutes before he pulled away. He laughs at the pout on my face.

"Believe me I don't want to stop but someone is waiting downstairs for you," He says with a smile. "She really misses you."

I jump off my bed and run down the stairs to see who my mystery guest was. And let me tell you, I was surprised.

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