(5) reunions

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"Almost ready?" I hear Grayson ask from the door. I quickly slip on the heals that go perfectly with the outfit I picked out.

"Yeah, you can come in if you want," I shout. Grayson walks in smiling as he sits on my bed.

"I didn't know you could do makeup. You never did it when we were younger," he says.

"I didn't really know how to do makeup back then. Bunny taught me and I've been doing it for a while now," I say as I sit next to him on my bed. "I love makeup. It taught me how to love myself. Besides I really enjoy being able to be that creative. I'm free to do whatever I want."

"That's really cool," he says. I could tell he was lost and he was probably bored.

"I'm sorry if I'm boring you," I say. He looks over at me with a confused look before smiling.

"You weren't. I just don't know anything about makeup," He says laughing. "Why would you say sorry?"

"I don't know," I lie. I was nervous he would get annoyed with me. Matthew made me apologize a lot, and so did Tyler. He always used to tell me to shut up about the things I loved. He always told me that the things I love and the people I love were stupid. But he was sweet sometimes and one of my closest friends even though he was a complete dick.

"Are you ready?" He asks as he stands up. He smiles as he reaches his hand out to me which I gladly take.

"Yes," I say as I smile back.

As I grab my phone off my vanity, Grayson wraps an arm around my waist and whispers softly.
"You look so beautiful,"


"Connie will be here any minute," Luis says happily. This was the first time he's been even close to being happy since our talk. I'm still not sure why he reacted the way he did. I hope I can talk to Connie alone tonight so I can tell her about what happened.

"Jae, you okay love?" Grayson's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I smile at him even though I feel so weird. I didn't understand why I felt so uncomfortable but I did. I couldn't help but hear the scoff that escaped Luis' mouth. It was like Luis was the way he used to be, jealous. I fear he's how Adam used to be and I hope with everything in me that I'm wrong.

"Yeah I'm fine, "I lie as I shift uncomfortably in my seat. Grayson's hand laid still on my knee, trying to stop me from bouncing it up and down. I wasn't nervous about seeing Connie again. It was the constant reminder that Adam is somewhere in this city and I can run into him at any given time. I don't know how I can ever look at his face again without crying. He ruined everything good in my life, I'm happy to have Luis back. Maybe he can help me get completely better...

"Hey, she's here!" Grayson says pulling me out of my thoughts. My nerves and sadness fade away as I stare at my best friend. The girl who once helped me fit into school, the girl who helped me get through the nerves when I brought Adam home for the first time, and the girl who made life so much easier. I didn't realize how much I missed her until now. She's aged beautifully, she was beautiful when we were younger but now she looks so much older and mature. Guy stands next to her holding the hand of a little boy. Guy finally grew, he used to be so short. Connie doesn't hesitate to run over and wrap her arms around me. Even after all these years, our bond is the same. It's like I never went away like we've been together these past ten years.

"Oh my god, Jae! I missed you so much you have no idea," She says as she pulls away from our long hug. She gasps when she looks at my face. "I love your makeup! Who taught you?"

"I missed you more," I say laughing, Connie hasn't changed one bit. "My friend Bunny taught me everything I know."

"Oh don't tell me I've been replaced," Connie says. She was being sarcastic but I could tell she was being a little bit serious.

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