Chapter 16: McCree is a Cowboy Babyyy

Start from the beginning

Reaper gritted his teeth. "Yes," he said, his patience growing thinner and thinner throughout the meeting. "Why are you questioning me?"

Symmetra sighed. "Boomers."

Reaper pursed his lips, glaring at Symmetra, then sighed. He looked at all the heroes. "Widowmaker."

The French spider girl looked at Reaper with wide eyes. 

"Have you been working out?" He asked, looking impressed.

Widowmaker blushed. "I"

"Because you look..." Reaper examing Widowmaker's thickness, "different."

Widowmaker began to look agitated. "Ugh, stop catcalling me."

Reaper chuckled, the pitch of his laugh deeper than the Mariana Trench. "I bet you're used to it."

McCree winked. "Damn right."

Widowmaker rolled her eyes. "Boys."

D.Va looked confused. She was looking at Reaper questioningly. "I thought you were gay."

"Mmm," Reaper paused, "my sexuality is none of your business."

"Ooh!" D.Va exclaimed teasingly. "But you like Soldier! So you must be bi!"

Jack blushed, not saying anything.

Reaper was silent as well, then he laughed. "Well, if I like Jack, then you must like Taehyun."

D.Va blushed. "Shutup, old man!"

Reaper sighed. "I'm only 31. That's not old," he defended himself.

Soldier: 76. "Um, yeah it is."

Reaper glared at Soldier. "You're only two years younger than me! That means you're old, too."

Jack shook his head. "Nope. I'm 29, not 31. So I'm not middle-aged."

Gabe let out an outraged cry. "I give up. This meeting is over."

After the meeting was over, McCree went to his room.

He sat on his chair and watched a TV show about these cowboys doing cowboy things like participating in rodeos and riding horses and farming etc.)

There was a knock on the door.

McCree blushed, knowing full well who was behind the door. He knew damn well that he was about to be killed.

McCree opened the door to his room hesitantly. Waiting for him was a furious Ashe.

"UGH!" Ashe screamed. She stomped in Jesse's room, holding a piece of paper with words on it. "IS THIS WHY YOU WERE LATE TO THE MEETING? BECAUSE YOU WERE WRITING ME THIS!?" She crumpled up the paper and threw it at him.

McCree flinched. The paper fell on the floor. He picked it up, uncrumpled it, and read:

Dear Ashe,

                     Hello darlin! How are u? You look mighty fine today, m'lady! I almost passed out by your beauty and grace when I first met you! You absolutely took my breath away, darlin! I'm writin you this letter cause I just wanted to say I love you and you have a special place in my heart! I've also been wantin to ask you if you want to go to the rodeo with me tomorrow afternoon. It'll be a lot of fun!

Yes or No?

Ashe had circled the no option many times to prove that she really didn't want to go to the rodeo with McCree. "I AIN'T GOIN TO NO DING DANG RODEO WITH YOU, JESSE MCCREE!"

McCree looked offended. "Geez, m'lady, it was just a question."

Ashe sighed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, Jesse. You don't understand me, do you?"

McCree looked confused.

"I don't date boys!" She screamed right in his ear. McCree backed away.

"Okay, okay." McCree was absolutely baffled by Ashe's furiosity, but he kinda liked it at the same time. "That's fine with me."

Ashe gave McCree one last 'I want to kill you' look, then huffed. She stomped out of Jesse's room with authority.

Once Ashe was gone, McCree sighed, sat back on his bed, and continued to watch his show, wishing Ashe were still here to watch it with him.

Overwatch 1: Reaper x Soldier: 76Where stories live. Discover now