Chapter 1

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Please excuse this writing. It is rushed mainly because I wanted to get to the next bit, and it signifies the characters life at this point, the boring one after the other activities. Please keep that in mind before deciding to click off. This is also an introduction chapter, just a short one to set the scene. Thanks for reading!

"Just try it"

Ignoring him, I instead play with the zip of my jacket, listening to the grating noise as it slides up and down. "Jack" He sighs, leaning back on his chair. "Fine, i'll go" I mumble, just trying to get him to stop talking. Mr Hector breathes a sigh of relief and hands me the leaflet, stuffing it into my pocket I stand up. "Can I leave now?" He gives me a long look, pushing his thick glasses onto his thinning grey hair. "Yes Jack, i'll see you on Monday" Rushing out the door I throw a "Whatever" and disappear into the hallway of students. 

Keeping my hood down, I weave my way through the crowd, trying not to draw attention to myself. "Hey watch it!" I steady myself as I accidentally clip shoulders with someone, turning round I see a tall blonde guy wearing a plain shirt and jeans, staring at me with disgust. "Sorry dude" I say quietly, holding up my hands but keeping my eyes away from his face. "Freak" he mutters, throwing me a scathing glare. Gritting my teeth, it takes all the strength I have not to try and punch his face in. My fists clench, turning my knuckles a bloodless white. Pinching my nose, I count to ten before turning on my heel and walk away, Mr Hector is probably beaming from his office, creepily watching me like a guardian angel.

Finally, I arrive at my classroom, slipping  inside the pale door and heading to the back of the room, throwing my bag on the floor. Being a few minutes early, I was the only one in there, just how I like it. But all to quickly the rest of the class file in and the silence is disturbed by the constant adolescent chatter. Eventually, a sub teacher shuffled in with a scruffy beard and a tight waistcoat. Fumbling through his notes, he found the days lesson plan and tried to turn on the projector. After a few agonising minutes of watching the guy sweat profusely, a girl came up and pressed a few switches. He thanked her a ridiculous amount, to which she just blushed slightly and sat back down. The prologue began and the class quietened down as blood brothers appeared on the wall.

Minutes go by, and I roll my pen up and down my desk, watching it rise and fall slightly, ignoring the flickering screen. Most students were on their phones, only a few actually taking notes. "So, who would like to tell me what happened in this scene?" The play is paused and the teacher looks around desperately for someone who isn't likely to know the answer but won't back chat him. (A classic nervous teacher method that helps them look slightly authoritative without actually having to scream at people) "Ummm, let me just get my name chart...Jack.J.J.Jack..Ellis. Mr Jack Ellis" His gaze settles on me and the class twist in their seats to gawk. So many eyes causes a tic in my neck to play up and I twitch uncomfortably. "Uhh, Mickey and Edward *twitch* uhh just met *twitch and some snickers* They uhhh formed a blood bond *twitch* and they uhh" By this point the teacher had figured out why I was so obviously sitting at the back and he tried to rescue the situation "That's enough thank you Jack..that's fine" He try to draw the students attention back to the front by resuming the clip, a few smirk nastily at me before looking away. He tries to throw me an apologetic glance but I ignore it, I don't want his pity. When the bell rings, I sling my bag over my shoulder and follow the students out of the room. Unfortunately, the sub calls me back and I roll my eyes before turning round to face the tubby man. Waiting patiently, I watch as he scratches his neck awkwardly "Listen, i'm really sorry about that" I shrug my shoulders "It's fine". He still looks guilty "They should really put it on the system.." I interrupt him "Listen man, I don't want your pity or your apology, it's fine. Really" He sighs and nods. Taking it as my cue to leave, I walk out.

On my way home, I fish the leaflet out of my pocket and scoff. 'Group therapy session' was written in bubble writing over a cartoon picture of people sitting in a circle holding hands. Inside was even worse, pink writing against a green background, the thing just spouted a load of bs about working through problems together and shit. The closest session was Saturday at 11, tomorrow. Perfect, I could show up, mumble some stuff and give a smile. I had no doubt that Mr Hector would ring them up and ask if I went, and i'd rather he just think I was doing it than hearing him whine about me coming out of my shell and finding my goal in life. 

Pulling my hood further over my face, I walk the last few streets to my house and fish out my key. My "house" was a small building, glued to the rest of the street, identical to the next one. I climbed the black metal stairs to the front of my house, and unlocked the plastic door. Quietly, I kicked some shoes out of the way and peaked into the sitting room. My dad was slumped on the sofa, his mouth was open and his sweats were grimy. Bottles and empty crisp packets made a barrier around him, glowing in the flickering TV light. Scoffing, I just left and made my way upstairs to my room, dragging my feet on the worn carpet. Once at the top, I throw a quick glance to my parents old room, unopened and untouched, before going into mine, flopping on the bed and falling into a deep sleep...

Ugh, I groaned and cracked open and eyelid, rubbing my hand over my face. Sunlight streamed in through a small window next to my bed, blinding me. Groggily, I swung my legs over the covers and checked my watch, 10AM. Shoot! I had to be at that therapy thing soon. Fumbling around my box of a bedroom, I snatched a black t shirt, jeans and a jacket before heading in the bathroom to shower. The cold water sent goosebumps running over my skin, but it woke me up. Checking my watch, I cursed. 10:36 I quickly towel dried my dark hair and brushed my teeth, spitting out the toothpaste in the cracked and chipped sink, I quickly fiddled with my eyebrow piercing, making sure it was secure. 10:43. I grabbed my wallet and my phone, rushed downstairs and threw on my sneakers. Dad was exactly where I left him, beer bottle still in hand, I rushed outside into the rain and clicked the door shut.  10:47. Yanking the leaflet out of my jean pocket, I checked the address and began jogging towards the local baptist church. 11:02 I arrived and shook out my sodden hair, taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for and hour and a half of hell...

Just Breathe, ok?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon