Chapter 6: What plan?

Start from the beginning

"Really? Why?" She said, sitting up, looking interested for whatever reason I come up with.

"Uh, I don't know exactly. She said she wants help. Uh, getting a new boyfriend to make out with." I said, with a convincing tone of a voice.
I hope it does sound convincing.

"Really? Okay." She says, with wide eyes. I think she knows I'm lying. But I don't know. She really sounds convinced.

"You want to come?" I asked her. Wait.. Why did I ask her that!? Stacie said she isn't allowed to come! Ugh. Great Chloe. Just great.

"Nah. I have these mixes to finish. Luke needs them by tomorrow." She says, pointing at her laptop. "Thanks anyway."

Oh thank God she didn't want to.

"Okay. No problem." I said. "See you tomorrow, Becs."

She looked at me with questioned eyes and said, "you're already leaving? Like, right now?" She asked, a little shocked.

"Yeah. Stacie needs me there right now and I think she's in a hurry. Why?" I said. Sigh.. Good thing I come up with good reasons.

"But, I still want you here." She pouts.

I know why. She can't forget about Jesse and she needs someone to talk to her, or distraction about the kiss.

"But I have to go, Beca. I promise to go here tomorrow morning." I told her.

"Oh you don't have to do that." She smirked.

"Oh shut up, I know you want to." I winked at her and she just rolled her eyes and laughed.

"But can't you stay here for at least 5 more minutes?" She says, pouting with puppy dog eyes.

"I can't. I have to go." I chuckled. "And stop with those puppy eyes! You'll lose your badass points."

"Whatever." She says. And then stands up and extended her arms and hugged me. "Thanks for coming Chlo."

I swear I was shocked a little bit. I mean, Beca isn't one of the huggy type of a girl. Why is she doing this?

Ugh. There's nothing I could do but hug her back.

"You're welcome." I said, hugging her tighter.

"Okay, this is getting awkward." She says, pulling off me. "I shouldn't have do that." Sigh.. Typical Beca.

I laughed and said, "what was that for?"

"I don't know. For going here because I'm really lonely..? Anyway, you deserved it." She smiled at me.

"Okay. Bye, Becs." I said, as my hand flew to her cheeks and I pinched it.

She winced and said, "ouch! Chloe!"

I laughed and ran out of her dorm and slam the door. While I heard her yelling curse words and how her cheeks hurt.

I laughed non-stop and went running to Stacie's dorm.

I opened the door to her dorm and saw 5 girls sitting on the floor. Fat Amy, Cynthia Rose, Stacie, Aubrey and Lily.

Wait.. Aubrey!?? What is she doing here!?

"About to show up, ginger." Stacie rolled her eyes.

"What is Aubrey doing here?" I asked, shocked.

"Oh, I called her because we need help for our plan." Stacie said.

"What plan?" I asked.

"Get in here and close the door." She says, pointing at the door.

I close the door and sat like an Indian beside Aubrey.

"This plan is crazy dangerous so none of you girls will broadcast this to anyone or anybody." She paused and I get weirded out. "Especially Beca."

What the hell is she talking about!?

"Hey, are you okay, Chlo?" Aubrey suddenly asked.

"Y-yeah. I just don't understand what the heck is Stacie talking about." I said.

"That explains your face expression." She says, chuckling.

"Ugh, could you just tell me what's going on here!?" I yelled.

"Woah, easy there ginger horse." Amy said and they all laughed except me.

Stacie chuckled and said, "okay, here's the plan:" she paused and I whispered, "finally." While I heard Aubrey laughed.

"We're going to bring Beca and Jesse together."

What the fuck?!


Did it sucked? I know it did and I'm sorry. Haha, I swear I'll write better someday 😂 and please ignore the mistakes 😌 anyway, enjoy your day everyone! Love y'all! 😂😎😜

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