can love you more than this

Start from the beginning

"I hope she knows how much she means to me."

I peered slightly at Harry, and he was staring at the ground, cheeks tinged with red. The audience clapped when the video ended and I saw Harry picking up his mug to drink his nervousness away.

"People told me it's for Kendall." Harry spit his water, landing on the table causing us to groan in disgust.

"I'm sorry," he apologised. "I can tell you it's not for her, 100%."

Niall nudged me slightly, teasing me.

"Anything else you wanna tell us about this mysterious lady?"

I could feel Harry's gaze on me and I turned to look at him, his eyes twinkling with mischief, probably realising my red cheeks.

"She makes me the happiest man in the world, that's all I can tell you."

And I was rendered speechless again.

The conversation continued on, with James asking Leigh-Anne, Louis and Perrie about their significant other, Liam claiming 'he has a special person in his life' causing Jesy to blush, Jesy saying 'she's taken' though they didn't reveal each other's identity.

"Jade," James started, "Are you single?"

I felt Perrie grabbing my hand, with everyone focusing on me. I could feel Harry's expectant gaze on me.

"Yes," I answered softly, though everybody in the studio could hear. I'm sorry, Harry.

"Really? That's weird. I heard you are seeing someone these days."

"I'm not sure I'm following you," I let out an awkward laugh.

"I heard it through the grapevine that you're seeing the man beside you."

I had a bewildered look on my face, as I turned and look at Niall who was staring at me with an incredulous look too.

"Why would you think that?" I fidgeted in my seat.

James started showing us pictures of Niall and I hanging out, on-stage and off-stage, that fans managed to take. I was shocked when I saw the pictures as I didn't expect people will over-analyse our closeness. I turned slightly and saw Harry staring at the pictures, his brows scrunched. He's jealous, I realised and the tip of my lips started curling up.

"Look, she's smiling!" James announced and the audience started screaming Niall's and my name.

"No, no! We're close friends, that's all," Niall and I smiled at the camera, wishing James will end the conversation soon.

"If one thing I learnt from celebrities is that, no means yes, and yes means yes. Okay, your manager is glaring at me, I will stop now." James teased. "Tell us, what's your plans after this tour?"

"We're working on an album, perhaps have a tour before we focus on our solo career," Niall replied and the audience booed. "Chill, this is definitely not our last reunion."

"After this tour ends we'll take a short break then we'll start our LM5 tour. We can't wait for it. And yeah, we're working on LM6 too, so watch out for it," Jesy answered.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that is Little Mix and One Direction!" We stood up and waved at the audience and walk to backstage as James started introducing the next guest.


"Harry," I called out but he ignored me and walked past me instead. I heaved a sigh as Niall patted my shoulder, Liam and Louis throwing sympathetic looks at me. I turned to Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Perrie who also had concerned looks on their face.

"I'm screwed," I buried my face in my hands, "He must be mad at me."

"He won't be angry for too long baba," Perrie consoled me.

"I'm so stupid for saying I'm single," I whined, attracting attention from the backstage crews.

"I understand why you said that Jade. Harry will too, you need to explain it to him," Jesy comforted me but the tugging in my stomach did not disappear. I hate the fact that Harry was angry at me. I hate that I am the root cause of his anger. God, I hate myself.

"Hey now, don't overthink. Come on we'll let you guys talk," Leigh-Anne dragged me into our shared dressing room with One Direction and I could only focus on one figure sitting at the corner of the room, focusing on his phone. I could see the hurt and disappointment written on his face, and my heartache again.

I saw Jesy signalling Liam, Louis and Niall to get out of the room and I shot her a small smile as thanks. They closed the door softly so that Harry will not be alarmed.

"Harry," I called out and he ignored me again.

"Baby." No replies. He continued scrolling his phone.

"Harry Edward Styles, I'm talking to you." I had enough and stomped my way to him. He did not bother looking up. I plucked his phone out of his hand and slide it on the dressing table, causing the younger guy to glare at me.

"What?" He barked, showing conspicuous anger towards me.

"We need to talk," I pinched my nose bridge.

"There's nothing to talk. You made it clear that you're single." He was looking at the wall behind me, instead of me.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying during the talk show. I'm just," I ran my hand through my hair, "not ready to announce my status, okay. You know I'm a private person."

"Talk to Niall, he's your boyfriend, isn't he? I'm not,"

"Harry, please don't say things you don't mean." I could feel tears pooling in my eyes but I refused to let them fall.

Harry sighed. "Look, I'm just disappointed that you said you're single, after everything that I said. I'm scared you don't like me as much as I like you." Harry placed his hands on my shoulder.

"I like you. I like you so damn much." I confessed.

"I'm sorry for being so sensitive." He pulled me into a hug. "I should have been more understanding to you. I don't mean to get so caught up and insecure about all the things you say." 

I hugged my boyfriend back, feeling relieved that we are able to put this behind us. 

"We good?" I asked him, feeling hopeful.

"We good, petal." He placed a soft peck on my forehead.

"Singing, singing, singing, ooh la la, he breaks my heart," I heard Perrie's voice outside the door. Harry and I groaned when we realised the others are eavesdropping outside the door.

"Come in," Harry begrudgingly called out, the door opening immediately after his words.

They had the nerves to smile and chuckle at us, as though they haven't been listening to our argument a few moments ago.

"I take it as everything is settled?" Jesy raised her brows at us.

I gazed at Harry and he looked back at me.

"We are." 

He leaned in and kissed me on my lips, and I smiled through the kiss.


So did anyone watch Leigh-Anne's latest interview with Mediacorp 98.7fm? I'm so disappointed in the interviewer honestly, for asking Leigh such a stupid question. I'm ashamed that the interview is on my country's radio! Like, how rare is it for Little Mix to have a radio interview with a small Asian country and she asked the freaking question about Z*g*? Yikes.

If there's any chance of Little Mix coming here for the world tour, there's none now. And I have a radio DJ to thanks. :) But still, if you guys are sending hates on her Instagram, please don't okay? Maybe she's forced, I don't know. She's usually a great interviewer, so I don't know what happened. Yikes.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter and do comment and vote! Also, 2k views?? You guys spoil me too much. 🥰

xxx, m.

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