can love you more than this

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I stirred awake, feeling an arm around my waist. I cracked open my eyes and grinned when Harry's peaceful sleeping face greeted me. I strain my neck and placed a soft kiss on his nose. Harry moved slightly when he felt the tickle on his nose.

"Good morning boyfriend," I caressed his cheek. I was about to pull away when Harry placed his hand atop of mine on his cheek.

"Morning girlfriend," he greeted and finally opened his eyes. "Wow, I could wake up to this every day," he said, nudging our nose together. "You're so beautiful," he mumbled, closing his eyes to sleep again. Sensing his tiredness, I didn't move and stayed still instead, letting sleep take over me.


"Care to explain?"

The partition to Harry's bunk was rudely opened, causing Harry and me to sit up from our position. Unfortunately, we forgot how small space is and we bumped our head on the forehead.

"That will wake you up, I suppose," I looked down and see everyone staring at us, Sam at the side with her arms crossed over her chest, her eyebrows cocked up.

"Perrie, just shut up," Harry mumbled, using one hand to rub his forehead while the other hand rubbed mine.

"Down, now," Louis ordered. Everyone had a stern look on their faces but I could see tinges of amusement on their faces.

"When did this start?" Jesy asked, her fingers darting between us.

"I don't know, 2015?" I answered sarcastically. 

"Tone that down, young lady," Liam warned me. 

"Don't scold my girlfriend," Harry pulled me closer, glaring at Liam. I leaned my head against Harry's chest, not before shooting a smug look at Liam.

"So?" Sam asked.

"Sheaskedmetobeherboyfriendlastnight," Harry mumbled against my temple. I could feel a smirk creeping to my face while the rest scrunched their faces in bewilderment.

"Repeat that again?" Leigh-Anne asked. Harry was about to mumble again but was cut off by Leigh-Anne. "Slower, this time."

"I asked him to be my boyfriend last night," I shrugged and separated myself from Harry, preparing to hear the teasings he will get.

"You asked him out?" Perrie clarified.



"Wow, Harry, I'm disappointed by you," Liam shook his head.

"Damn, Jade's the man is this relationship?"

"We been knew, honestly."

"Babe, I asked you out first didn't I?" Jesy pointed out, causing Liam to shut up.

"Wait, you guys are official too?" Sam asked. "Oh god, I need to take a seat."

Congrats could be heard across the bus and the girls hugged Jade and Jesy for their new relationship.

"Jesy and Liam. When?" Sam asked, taking a seat on her bed.

Jesy shrugged, pushing Liam to answer the question.

"Uh, three weeks?"

"Three weeks and you didn't tell us?!" I scolded the oldest member of Little Mix.

"Hey, it's not our fault you didn't ask us," Liam defended. Meanwhile, Jesy nonchalantly looked at her nails. "That's exactly what I said to Harry."

Six heads shot to look at Harry and I glared at my boyfriend. "You knew but you didn't tell me?" I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Thanks for throwing me under the bus," he glared at Jesy. "Babe, I only found out yesterday," he pouted and placed his head on my shoulder, trying to pacify me.

once upon a love x j.t. x h.s.Where stories live. Discover now