♧Young!Lucio x MC x Lucio - Double Trouble♧

Start from the beginning

Strong arms were quick to wrap around their waist as they were pulled back, landing into a firm chest.

"Gotcha!" MC looked up to see Lucio holding them tightly against his own body.

MC exhaled with relief and stood still for a moment. With their head pressed against Lucio's chest, they could hear his elevated heartbeat. Whether it was from the scare or the proximity, only he would know.

A moment passed before MC pulled away, smoothing their clothes and thanking Lucio for the save.

"Hey MC, if you're still scared, I can keep holding you," he said with a wide grin, waggling his eyebrows.

"In your dreams, Lucio," MC said. "I'm not scared".

Lucio only grinned and pecked MC's cheek as they continued their journey through the chasm.

The snow was crisp and crunchy underfoot, yet slightly sticky.

"This is gonna stick to my boots," Lucio complained as he attempted to knock the snow from his foot.

As MC looked down, that's when the pair realized that the snow was crimson and sticky with blood.

"You'll never make it out of here alive, old man," an eerily familiar voice taunted from the shadows.

As the voice stepped into the light, the fog rolled away to reveal an impossible sight.

There in front of them stood a much younger and arrogant Lucio, who brandished a sword.

MC looked between the new-comer and their partner. "Who the hell are you?"

"Agreed. I would like to know that as well," Lucio demanded.

The young man chuckled lowly. "I'm you, but better,"

"That's impossible!" MC declared.

"Seems like there's fight in you," the younger Lucio said. "Let's see what you're made of. After I dispose of the old man, of course".

The swords of both men met with the sound of clashing metal.

"You're weak," the young Lucio taunted as he slammed the pommel of the sword into his older counterpart's jaw.

Lucio raised his sword to defend only to be pushed back again.

"Slow," the younger one jeered before charging Lucio again.

Lucio managed to deflect the blow, but his arms shook with strain.

The pair hurled insults back and forth as they fought.

Lucio dealt a backhand to his younger self who staggered back and spit blood from his mouth as he laughed.

"Not bad. For an old man,"

Young Lucio pushed Lucio backwards, forcing him to give up ground little by little.

MC, furious, cast flames into the palms of their hands, determined to come to their partner's aid.

Lucio, however, shook his head at them. "Stay back, MC! I've got this!"

Conflicted, MC paused for a moment before letting their magic fizzle out.

Younger Lucio dealt another blow to Lucio's chest, forcing him to collapse to the ground.

Unable to let this continue any longer, MC ran to his side and knelt down to help him.

"Lucio!" They cried.

Strong arms hauled MC to their feet as they yelped in surprise.

"Leave the old man to die, MC. You could do so much better than a dead beat like him," Young Lucio purred in MC's ear as he held them tightly with their back against his chest.

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