First Date

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After so many weeks, Kaito finally gathered some courage and confessed to Luka and now they were going to their first date. Kaito was nervous, he didn't want to disappoint his girlfriend so he asked Miku and Rin for help. In the beginning it seemed like a good idea but after asking for their help Kaito immediately regret it.

"First we need to see what clothes you are going to wear!" Miku said.

"What about something sexy?" They were talking like Kaito wasn't there and he could already see how this would end.

"Yes and Kaito has to be a true gentleman."

"I think it's impossible for Kaito to be more gentle than he is already." Rin said.

"That's true... but what if he acts like a prince!"

"Yes! And he can dress like one too!"

"I think that's-" Kaito tried to tell them they were starting to exaggerate a bit but one glare from both girls shut him up.

"Kaito could take Luka to a very romantic dinner, they will be alone with only the light of candles. And then a band will start to play Luka's favorite song and then-"

"M-miku, it's a date..." Yup, he regret it asking them for help. The girls had good intentions but that sound more like a marriage proposal than a date...

"Wait! What if they spent the day in a castle?"

"Rin you're a genius! And they could do the romantic dinner in the castle!"


Kaito sighed, he appreciated their help but they really were taking things too far. He would definitely do that if was proposing but this was just their first date and they, unfortunately, couldn't spent all day out, they still have a job to do and being a vocaloid isn't easy.

Miku and Rin didn't seem they would listen to him any time soon so he left them. Kaito felt bad for leaving them while they are just trying to help but he knew how those two were, if they like something they will talk about it for hours and he didn't have much time.

Kaito went to his room and thought what could he do. Luka liked simple things so maybe he should do something simple like a walk on the park or go to the beach. He remembered when they went to the beach a few months ago, the girl really wanted to go swimming but she didn't know how, Kaito noticed how she always was making excuses to not go to the water so he asked her what was wrong. Kaito was surprised when Luka said she couldn't swim but he didn't make any comments and instead asked her if she would be interesting in learning.

From that day they start getting close and before they realize it, they fell in love with each other. The day Kaito confessed to Luka and she said she felt the same was the best day in his life. Kaito made a promise that, no matter what happened, he would always be by her side and protect her. The boy looked at his phone and sighed, he still didn't know what to do and it was almost time for their date.

Kaito was lost in thought when he heard someone entering his room. He looked and saw Len.

"Hello." Len said. "I heard you were having some problems."

"How do you-"

"Miku and Rin are still talking about the date."

That explains it... at least Luka was finishing the recording of a new song and, fortunately, can't hear what Miku and Rin were saying.

"Why don't you take her to the mall or the park and then go to the beach? You start liking each other on the beach, right?"

"I will do that! Thank you!"

Len smiled and went to his own room after spending a little time talking with Kaito.

Luka finish recording her new song and went to her room. She wasn't nervous at all, she was happy to finally go on a date with Kaito and couldn't wait to see him. On her way to her room she saw Miku and Rin talking about something, Luka wondered what could they be planning now since the two of them liked to prank everyone but she didn't have time now, she had to get ready for the date.

After taking a shower, she thought what clothes she should wear. Maybe something cute, Kaito may not seem like it but he likes cute stuff. Luka remembered seeing an ice cream plush and Kaito saying he would love to have a cute pet. The girl chuckled at the memorie, thinking how cute Kaito is and finally decide to wear something simple yet cute.

A few minutes after Luka was ready and it was time for their date. Luka walk out of her room and Kaito was already wanting for her.

They shared a kiss. Luka blushed and hold Kaito's hand.

"You're very cute." Kaito complimented her.

The girl blushed even more and looked away to try hide her blush. Kaito chuckled finding his girlfriend the most cute person in the world.

"Ready to go, my love?"

"Y-yes." Luka replied.

The couple went to a park and sat near the lake. It was so peaceful, they could even sleep there. They spent the time talking about their passions and their job as vocaloid. It may seem boring talking about the job on a date but singing was their favorite thing to do - other than spending time with each other - so they didn't mind talking about it.

Two hours passed and Kaito got up, telling Luka he wanted to go one more place before they had to go home. Luka nodded and followed Kaito, she didn't know what he had in mind but the female vocaloid liked surprises so she didn't ask anything.

On the way to the their destination, they stopped to buy ice cream. Some minutes after, they reached their destination and Luka was surprised. She didn't think Kaito would take her to the beach but she was thankful, she loved to see the ocean.

"Thank you, Kaito." Luka smiled.

"No problem, love." Kaito returned the smile and kissed her cheek.

"You know... I'm really thankful, if it wasn't you I would still be afraid."

"Hm?" Kaito wondered what Luka meant with that.

"Once I went to the beach with an old friend and I almost drown. I didn't know how to swim and started raining a lot in just few seconds, I tried to get out of the water but I panicked and fell... it was horrible. Thanks to that I was afraid of swimming, that's why I always avoid going to the pool with you guys and when we went to the beach I never wanted to swim. But I hated being scared, I love the ocean so it was complicated and when you came and offered to teach to swim I was a bit hesitant... Well, I'm glad I accepted your offer."

"And I'm proud of you."

"Thank you."

Luka kissed Kaito and he gladly returned the kiss. It was only the first date but they already knew they would have many more.

"I love you, Luka."

"I love you too, Kaito."

Hello! Thank you for reading!
My English isn't the best so if you see any mistake feel free to correct me!
I hope you enjoyed this one shot!

Eternal Love (Kaito X Luka One Shots)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin