Haunted House

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"...Why did I agree with this?"

"Because Kaito was the one suggesting going to a haunted house."

Luka sighed, what was she thinking when she accepted going to a haunted house. She wasn't a big fan of horror, every time Miku tried to convince her to watch an horror movie Luka always gave excuses. The girl regretted even thinking about the possibility of coming to this house but something did surprise her. Luka never thought Kaito would be the one suggesting this, he doesn't look like someone who likes horror.

"Do you guys want to go together or- "

"Together." Luka immediately interrupted Miku, there was no way she would go alone.

Miku nodded and it was decided Kaito should be on the lead. Of course he accepted, he already wanted to be on the lead since the beginning. Luka didn't really like that idea, she didn't want to stay way from her boyfriend but she didn't want to ruin the fun so the girl didn't say anything.

The group finally moved and went inside the haunted house. The house was creepy, it looked like it could fall part easily and that only made Luka even more nervous than before. Rin was nervous too but she was with Meiko, the young girl knew if something happened Meiko would help her.

Len wasn't any better than Rin and Luka, he didn't know how Miku and Kaito could be so excited, they could be cursed, a demon could try to kill them, a monster could chase them... maybe he was exaggerating a bit but who knows what could happen in this house.

Two hours had passed and nothing had happen. Miku was starting to get hungry so she suggested they stopped to eat, everyone agreed. The group only had explored half of the house, how could this house be so big?

"What if we sleep here?" Miku asked.

"No!" Both Rin and Len said. They refused to sleep in a place like that.

"But it will be fun! We can sleep in the rooms here."

"No way! A demon could live here!" Rin protested.

"Demons don't exist." Kaito said.

"That's you think. I bet the dolls will start moving and a demon can appear outside of the house and find a way to come inside!"

"...Rin, have you been watching horror movies again?" Meiko asked.

"Yes, but that doesn't matter! What if Siren Head appears?!"

"Who is Siren Head?" Luka asked. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer but she was curious.

"This dude." Rin showed an image to Luka and just looking at the monster on the screen Luka wanted to scream.

"Did you really just called Siren Head 'dude'?" Len sometimes couldn't understand what goes on Rins head, who calls a monster 'dude'?

The arguing continued for a while until they decide to spend the night in the house like Miku wanted to. Luka thought this had to be the stupidest thing they have ever done, but as long she stayed with Kaito things would be fine. The group decide it would be the best if at least two people stayed in the room. Kaito and Luka would be together obviously, Len would stay with Rin and Miku with Meiko.

Everyone went to their rooms, fortunately the rooms were close to one another so if something happened they would easily wake up. Luka and Luka went to bed and tried to get some sleep. Kaito fell asleep quickly but Luka couldn't sleep at all, she was too nervous. The girl looked at her boyfriend, should she wake him up? She didn't want to disturb his sleep but maybe if she talked with him she would calm down a little...

"... Kaito..." She whispered, trying to wake her boyfriend.

Fortunately Kaito was someone easy to wake up. The boy was still a bit sleepy but when he saw his girlfriend with an afraid look, he immediately sat up and asked what was wrong. Luka was a little hesitant but end up telling him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Kaito asked.

"I didn't want to ruin the fun."

"Luka, if you're uncomfortable you should tell me. I want the best for you."

"I-I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It was my fault for not realizing." Kaito smiled and ruffled Luka hair.

Luka hugged Kaito. She sometimes wonder how did someone as amazing as Kaito asked her out but she was happy.

"If you want we can awake the others and go home." Kaito suggests. He regretted not noticing sooner how afraid Luka was.

"No, it's already very late. I will be fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, as long I stay with you I will be fine."

Kaito blushed and kissed her cheek. He would stay by Lukas side as long as she wished.

The couple talk a bit before falling asleep and this time Luka felt more secure in Kaitos arms. She knew he would protect her.

Next morning everyone woke up early, no one slept that much so they were still sleepy. The group gathered in the living room, ready to leave until Meiko decide certain couple was missing.

"Guys, Luka and Kaito aren't here."

"It's true!" Miku said.

"Where they could be?" Len asked.

"Obviously in their room." Rin answered.

The group went to the room, they knew their friends would be okay. Kaito was with Luka and he wouldn't let anything hurt her so they weren't worried.

When they reached Kaito and Luka room they knocked but no one answered. Miku opened the door and saw the couple sleeping, they were so cute together! She struggled a bit to keep quiet and not wake up her friends. Rin immediately took out her phone and took a picture.

"Why are you taking a picture of them?" Len asked, confused by Rin actions.

"They look so cute together!"

"Rin don't be too loud!" Meiko warned her but it was too late, Kaito had woke up.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"We came to see if everything is okay, but we will give you some privacy." Meiko said and winked. "Let's go children."

"What?" The three younger vocaloids asked but Meiko was already taking them with her.

Kaito didn't know how to react to what Meiko just implied and just blushed. Sometimes he couldn't believe what the older vocaloid said.

"Kaito? Is everything okay?"


Luka smiled, she actually heard what Meiko said but she didn't make any comments. The girl knew Kaito could be very shy sometimes.

"Anyway! Did you sleep well?" Kaito asked, wanting to change the subject.

"After talking with you, yes."

"I'm glad."

After spending some minutes talking with each other, the couple went to the living room to meet with the others. Fortunately everyone stayed there so they could go home already.

"Can we go home?" Rin asked, the house wasn't that scary during the day but it still looked like it could fall at any moment.

"Yes, let's go." Kaito answered.

The group finally got out of the haunted house and Luka couldn't be more relieved, maybe going to haunted houses was not that bad but it was still something she didn't really wanted to do.

"Guys! You don't believe what I just saw on Instagram!"

"What is it Miku?"

"An haunted castle!"

Oh no......

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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