Chapter 15

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Maybe if he closed his eyes for long enough, everything would just prove to be a dream once he opens them again. This always seems to work in movies. Too bad, this was reality. The sound of whispering did not drown out but seemed to grow louder.

Everything is a blur. He absent-mindedly swings his bag over his shoulder and stumbles out of the room when the bell rings in the distance. There’s a buzz in his pocket but it seems so far off.

He tried to ignore the barely muffled whispers directed at him, the pointed looks and knowing glances as he walked down the halls.

“Hey Niall.”

He kept walking.

“Niall! Wait up!” A hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“You alright?” He looked up. Brown eyes. Josh. “You look kinda out of it today.”

He nodded, shrugging of Josh’s hand, he continued on his way. He found that he couldn’t.

Josh grabbed onto his wrist.

“Hey I have a spare right now. Wanna dip class?” Josh asked. “I’m heading out for an early lunch. Wanna come?”

He thought about it. Skipping his next class would actually be a good idea. Getting out of school. Leaving the whispers and taunts behind. He tightened his grip on his backpack.

“Yeah sure.”


They’re at a drive through eating junk food and it was almost surreal. It felt like something out of a movie, and since when did his life become one big cliché?

Josh had a nice car, Niall thought as he traced his fingers on the dashboard.

“So what’s up? Haven’t heard from you since Liam’s party.”

“Not doing so good,” Niall mumbled half-heartedly. There was a time when any talk with Josh would get him giddy and jittery. Any sort of attention or contact would make his day. Gone were the days where things were a lot simpler.

“You were completely smashed last I saw you. You alright? I’ve been hearing all these nasty things going around.”

“I’m alright, I guess. Just not used to it, that’s all.” His life was a mess and Josh Devine knew it. Oh God. How did he end up here anyways?

“Hey, don’t worry ‘bout it,” Josh assured him, gently placing a hand on Niall’s knee. “No one deserves to be treated like that, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Niall breathed. He was hyper-aware of how close they were now, and he found himself subconsciously leaning towards Josh. He couldn’t help notice the light freckles that dusted Josh’s face, and his high cheekbones. He suddenly remembered why he even had a crush on Josh in the first place. But more than anything, Niall couldn’t take his eyes off Josh’s lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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