Chapter 4

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Niall returned home, slightly dazed. He still couldn't get his mind off Josh Sex-God Devine who'd talked to him during lunchtime.

And he almost forgot about the sex bomb he had in his apartment. Almost being the keyword.

He'd only snapped out of his daydream-state when his nose caught a whiff of something delicious being made. His mouth watered, and he immediately followed the scent to the kitchen, only to find Zayn clothed in nothing more than an apron. Literally.

"Hey honey! I'm making steak tonight! How does that sound?" Zayn asked brightly when he'd noticed Niall's presence before turning back to the stove.

Niall didn't think he could get his brain to work properly at this point of time. His eyes were too busy staring at Zayn's biceps. And then his ass. And, oh wait, why isn't Zayn wearing anything? And where the hell did he even get that apron?

"Z-Zayn!" Niall managed to stutter, finally remembering how to speak. "Y-your clothes!" Apparently the ability to form proper sentences was still yet to be rediscovered.

"Oh yeah, those," Zayn acknowledged, back still facing Niall. "They were itchy. Besides, I was thinking of being part of the main course tonight, and clothes would kind of be a hassle for that. Would you like that?"

"Yes," Niall instantly replied, before realising what he'd just been asked. And then.. "Wait, no!! Zayn go put something on after you're done! It's..inappropriate!"

Zayn turned the heat off before turning back to face Niall. His whole expression dejected, and Niall couldn't help but coo (internally) at his eyes that were now wide and pleading.

" food sex?" Zayn asked sadly, looking small and confused (it was a hard feat for someone built for the Olympics and measuring more than six feet in height, but he somehow managed).

Niall wanted to give in, but it was a strange (and kinda hot) thing to do with someone you've known for like two days. He has to stand his ground no matter how enticing it sounded to relent.

"Sorry, Zayn," Niall sighed. "No food sex."

Zayn frowned and pouted (how the hell did they manage to get a robot to do any of that???). He lethargically went back to preparing dinner (which Niall was totally looking forward to).

And that was when the doorbell rang.

Shit, Liam.

Amidst the flurry of discovering someone was actually preparing dinner for him dressed in nothing more than an apron, he's forgotten that Liam (and the Paynes) would usually prepare him dinner. Crap. And wasn't tonight supposed to be the dinner with the Paynes???

Ugh. His stomach grumbled, all these thoughts about dinner has gotten him all riled up and ready for consuming food, and it's barely 4:45.

And the doorbell rang again.

"Are you gonna get that, Niall?"

"Shit." He can't open the door for Liam when there's Zayn (who's very much naked save for that apron who's origins are still a mystery) in his kitchen.

"I'm done the steak. You can have early dinner if you want," Zayn's voice broke through his train of thoughts. In a flurry, he grabbed Zayn and dragged him to Greg's room before closing the door.

"Sorry Zayn!! Just! Just stay there until I call you, yeah? And, don't make a sound!" he whisper-shouted. Crossing his fingers and hoping Zayn got what he asked for, Niall opened the door for Liam.


"Yeah, hi. Uh, mom wanted to know when you were coming over," Liam said, standing awkwardly in front of Niall.

Glamorous Lover [Ziall AU]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat