Chapter 8

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When they got home that day, Zayn immediately set to make dinner for the both of them.


“Don’t you have homework?” Niall asked.


“Yeah,” Zayn replied. “But you’re more important.”


Niall wished that Zayn wouldn’t be so sweet, it was impossible to be upset over this robot. He always knew what to say to make Niall’s heart pound. Niall hated that his heart was so easily swayed by this robot.


One minute he was completely smitten and in love with Josh Devine, the next moment he wants to throw himself at the perfection that is Zayn Malik. Ugh, teenage hormones suck balls.


He felt his phone vibrate in his pants. It was a text from Liam.


I herd yr byfrnd goes t our schl now.


Niall stared at the screen. Despite being an ace student, Liam was crap at texting, and just the idea of spelling in general. Besides, what was it to Liam that Zayn attended Richmond Hill?


And then, my parnts r awy fr te wknd. im planng on hvng a prty wth a coupl of teh guys on the soccer tem. invte peple alng?


It was a struggle to decipher Liam’s texts, but after years of reading through unreadable messages, Niall managed to get what Liam wanted to tell him. It was a fairly normal thing, a couple jocks having a party in the middle of the year and inviting pretty much anyone along.


This definitely wasn’t the first time Niall had partied (or in this case, been invited to a party) at Liam’s place. As mentioned earlier, his friends didn’t know that Liam and him were neighbours and childhood friends, so he wasn’t quite sure how to tell Harry (one of his few friends, if not only friend) that they’re invited to Liam’s party.


Whatever. Harry had some kind of idea that Liam and him knew each other.


Sure, he texted back before locking his phone and stowing it away in his pocket. He had homework to do.


Dinner (prepared by Zayn) was strangely quiet. There was less of the usual chatter of amusement from Zayn and more silent eating from the two. Niall didn’t know what it was, but he could feel the sullenness oozing from the robot. It was unusual, and gave him a bitter feeling in his guts. Something was up, and it was apparent that Zayn didn’t want to talk about it.


“What’s wrong?” Niall finally brings himself to ask when he could no longer stand the unnerving silence between them.


“How do you join a sports team?” Zayn asks instead.


Niall just stared. What? Had he been brooding about this the whole time?


Zayn cocks his head expectantly at Niall.


“Well, you have to go for try-outs I guess,” Niall answers. “I don’t know much, but like Liam should be more familiar with it. There are usually announcements made before try-outs..”


“Ah. I see. Thank you.”


The question was quickly forgotten and the rest of the meal returned to the usual cheeriness.


“We started on a group project for English,” Zayn says happily. “I’m with these girls from my class and they’re really nice.”


“That’s great, Zayn,” Niall smiled glad that Zayn somehow found school amusing.


“Oh! And, um, they asked for my number, but I don’t have a phone so I gave them yours instead.”


Niall dropped his fork. “You..what?”


“Yeah. Sorry, Ni.”


“I guess we should get you a phone. It’s strange for a teenager to not have a mobile, especially in our school,” Niall sighed. He somehow felt like a young parent being thrust with the responsibility of raising a child. In his case, a child that mostly took care of him and was larger than him in more than one aspect.


“Could we go now?” Zayn asked excitedly.


“Sure, after we’re done with dinner, alright?”


And so, the pair set off to get Zayn a cellphone after they were done their meal. They ended their day on a light note, with Zayn attempting to squeeze into bed with Niall (but was, as usual, rejected).

written by: ziallporn

[A/N] hola!! chris here reporting for duty! such a great response from the previous chapter! so glad you all liked it so much! just wanted to apologise for how short this chapter is. welp. 

i've been watching Attack On Titans and like omg. I kinda made Niall like Levi for some reason though I cannot quite comprehend why. (sorry if you don't know what I'm talking about).

On another note...this chapter is dedicated to @princessniam cause well, we like her. lol jks. but really, read her fics. 

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