Chapter 4

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Dr Phil POV
" GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU SKANKY WHORE!!" I yelled out to sbeve Harvey. "PHILIAM I CAN EXPLAIN- I DIDNT MEAN TO CALL YOU SLIN CHUNGUS I- I JUST-" "YOU JUST WHAT?!1" I cut him off. Needs by verzache started to play Over and over in my head. The lyrics "enjoy yourself enjoy yourself. Just leave me for somebody else, those lyrics made my heart ache as I knew my love was ruined . Sexy Steve and phresh Phil will be no more. "JUST GET OUT" I yelled at him and pointed to the door. He got up and left. After I knew he was gone I sobbed into my pillow, not out of sadness, but anger. I have to find slim chungus, I have to kill slim chungus if it's the last thing I do.

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