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       There was no way I was going to stay here while my sister was in trouble. I put on dark clothes and a weapon, because I wasn't going down without a fight. I wrote a note to let them know what was happening. 

       There was no doubt about it. I was going to save Haruka.

       I left the note on my bed. I took one last look at my room. A voice in the back of my head told me I might not see it again. I jumped out the window and started running before I could change my mind. 

       I'm not sure how long I ran. It felt like days, but it was probably only an hour or so. I stopped when I came across a familiar abandoned bar. I was at the place I had called home the first 14 years of my life. I walked in and was greeted by the smiling face of my mother.

       "I knew you'd come to save her." I hated that honey-sweet voice. "Follow me, dear." We went upstairs. There was a single chair in the room. Haruka was bound to it and gagged. It looked as if she hadn't bathed in days. I ran over to her, undoing the gag and the ropes. I hugged her tightly.

       "Haruka, I'm so sorry..:" I choked out. "This is all my fault.."

       "It's not your fault, Hanoko." She hugged me tightly. "None of this is your fault." I felt tears fall onto my shoulder. We were ripped apart by our mom too soon. I heard her scream all the way down the hallway. Mom came back all too quickly.

       "Now, where did we leave off last time, Hanoko? Your shoulder, I believe? This time, how about we take the whole arm!" She had a sickening gleam in her eyes and a gut-wrenching smile.

       "Just get it over with.. Kill me already.." I was ready for what was going to happen.

       "But that wouldn't be any fun, would it? Let's start with something vital this time!" I felt the knife exit my stomach as quickly as it had entered. Mom let out a deranged laugh before stabbing my arm. She pulled the knife back, only to have her arm stop mid-air. 

       I felt myself losing blood. I knew someone had come to save me. In fact, I was counting on it. I saw that beautiful face one more time before it was all over.

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