Kazumi Bakugo

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       "Katsuki! Kazumi!" I heard Dad (Eijiro) yell downstairs. He seemed panicked, so I ran downstairs.

       "What is it Dad?" I looked over at him. He was holding a blonde girl about my age. She was unconscious and bleeding from her shoulder. "What happened to her?!" Just then, Pa (Katsuki) came from around the corner.

       "Katsuki, go get bandages and antiseptic! Kazumi, make space for her on the couch!" Dad yelled. I had so many questions, but I did as I was told. Dad set her down on the couch.

       The girl seemed about my age. She was covered in sweat and blood, yet she was oddly beautiful. She had blonde hair that came down to her shoulders and side bangs that covered half of her left eye. Her mouth was slightly open, and I could see canines that were sharper than average. Most of the right side of her white shirt had been stained red, while her navy blue skirt seemed perfectly fine. She wasn't wearing any shoes, which I found a little strange.

        Pa came back to living room, his arms full of bandages and disinfectants. Dad got to work wrapping up the wound on the girl's shoulder. 

       After about an hour, the girl woke up slowly. She didn't sit up, but moved her head around tiredly, trying to see where she was.

       "Oh, she's awake!" Dad exclaimed. The girl sat up slowly, wincing a little as her shoulder moved.

       "Where am I?" she asked.

       "In the Bakugo household. You passed out on our doorstep." Dad stuck his hand out for her to shake. "My name is Eijiro Bakugo. This is my husband Katsuki, and my son Kazumi." He smiled as the girl shook his hand.

       "Hanoko. Hanoko.. Toga" The girl hesitated before saying her last name. Pa's eyes went wide.

       "Toga?! As in Himiko Toga?! Eijiro we need to get this girl out of our house!" Pa seemed furious. I noticed Hanoko's eyes start to tear up.

       "Maybe it's just a coincidence, Katsuki. And even if it's not, she's clearly hurt. She might have ran for a reason." Dad sounded calm, if not slightly wary. He turned to Hanoko, who looked like she might start sobbing at any moment. "Are you related to anyone named Himiko Toga?" He asked.

       "She's my Mom.." Hanoko started to fidget with her skirt as tears started falling down her face. "I told her I wanted to be a hero and she.. she.." She started to sob.

       "She what?" I inquired.

       "She took her knife.. she stabbed me.. she was going to.. to kill me!" Hanoko's body shook with sobs. She seemed truly terrified. At this moment, I noticed her eyes. They were golden, not yellow, golden. They were beautiful.

      "You've gotta be kidding me! This is all just some plan Toga came up with to get information on us! There's no way she would stab her own kid! It's probably just this girl's quirk!" Pa roared.

       "This is Toga we're talking about, I wouldn't put it past her to stab her daughter. However, it is likely that this could be a quirk." Dad seemed more cautious now. "Do you think you could tell us about your quirk and maybe demonstrate it?" Dad always had a kind tone when he spoke.

       "I don't expect you to believe me. My mom is a horrible person and I don't blame you if you want me to leave. But I can promise you, this isn't my quirk." Hanoko had stopped sobbing, but gentle tears were still rolling down her face.

       "Then what is?" I asked her.

       "I can do things with people's minds. Make them hear, see, and do what I want them to. I can also see inside their minds and let them into my own. If you think I'm using it now, I'm not. My eyes glow when it's active, and there's no way to hide it." She seemed to be telling the truth.

       "Then show us! Tell me what I'm thinking!" Pa yelled. Hanoko looked over at him as her eyes started to glow.

       "You're thinking of how you're tired of being the No. 2 hero and want to beat Deku. Of course, that doesn't matter, you've been one of my favorites since I was little." Her eyes stopped glowing. "Am I right?" Pa was silent.

       "Kazumi.. go show Hanoko to the guest room." Pa grunted. I stood up at the same time as Hanoko. 

       "Follow me." And with that, they went upstairs.

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