"I'm not denying it..." Amane admitted.

"Guys, look! The train is here!" at Yashiro's words, the group of four detectives all heard the train's loud whistle and its churning engine as the huge vehicle made its way to their station. The train was almost 2000 meters long and it was slowing down. After a few moments, it stopped.

"Let's go!" Yashiro excitedly said. The four of them picked up their baggage and prepared to board the train. Since they were A-class passengers, the four of them headed to a more sophisticated passenger coach than the normal-class passengers. Amane and Nene sat together in one compartment, while Kou and Mitsuba took a different compartment.

Yashiro was the first to set down her things. "Ah, the seats are so soft..."

Amane was delighted to see that Yashiro was comfortable. "They sure are. At night, the window view will be so beautiful since the sky will be filled with stars!"

"You like astronomy, Amane?" Yashiro crossed her arms on the table, looking at Amane sitting opposite her, with amber eyes that were almost twinkling.

"You bet!" Amane gave her a happy smile. "I love it."

"Then let's watch the stars later at night!" Yashiro said, her tone determined. "I'll be sure not to fall asleep. As long as you give me random astronomy trivias, I'll definitely be interested!"

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Yashiro Nene, what are you DOING? You're going to make Amane think you're interested in him!

Yashiro mentally panicked after her last statement. She tried her best to keep her innocent smile and poker face, but Aoi's words kept replaying in her head! It was so unfair, and annoying, and her feelings were just so messed up!

"You mean he SAVED you from No.2?" Aoi's tone in her voice was beyond proud as Yashiro called her, the night before the day she was leaving to head to the 4PM Library. "Oh, Nene-chan, you're so lucky! You have guys falling over themselves for you!"

"What's up with you and Akane-kun? And, how could you be saying that?! You're so lucky to have someone as caring as Akane!" Yashiro said as she placed her personal diary into her suitcase.

"He's still trying," Aoi replied. "Tell me all about the trip when you get back, okay? Oh, and Nene?"

"What is it, Aoi?"

"Be sure to stare at him when he sleeps."

"Aoi!" Yashiro's face reddened as she imagined the sleeping boy's innocent and cute face. "He's not my type! I'm not into cat-like boys like Amane! I. Like. Teru-senpai! And no one else, got it?"

At the other end of the line, Aoi sighed wearily. "Well, if that's what you say so, Nene-chan. Gee, you're even more romantically confused than I am!"

She heaved a huge sigh. I really hope I'm not red in the face... Yashiro thought as her fingers tapped aimlessly on the table separating her and Amane. She glanced at Amane, who was busy looking outside his window with a huge smile on his face. She guessed he looked kind of adorable... like a child on a trip with his family to see the world for once.

"You've never been outside much, Amane?" Yashiro asked.

"I've been outside a lot," he replied. "Especially if it concerns my work."

Yashiro flipped open the brochure she was handed by the conductor before stepping inside the train. Her eyes widened with joy and she tapped Amane on the shoulder excitedly, disturbing him from sight-seeing. "Amane! Look!" she said. "There's a menu of the dining cart on the brochure!"

"Oh, really?" Amane took at a look at his brochure. "AH! They have donuts! Such a relief!"

"And they also have strawberry-filled rice cakes!" Yashiro's mouth was practically watering. "Should I get us some snacks from the dining cart?"

Amane's eyes sparkled happily, excitedly to get a handful of donuts. "Yeah, sure! I'll be here watching out for our things. Be careful, okay? And do bring me back plain-flavored donuts!"

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

Wow, the line to the dining cart is really long... Yashiro sweat-dropped as she took a good look at the people who were lining up for snacks at the dining cart. She opened the book she was holding in her hands - it was a book about Kamome's Seven Wonders. Yashiro decided to have another read while waiting for her turn to get food.

"The Seven Wonders of Kamome, huh?" a female voice behind her spoke, startling Yashiro. She turned to see a girl dressed in a black dress with scattered sequins (like stars) that shone under the light of the train. She had green hair in an asymmetrical bob cut, with two long locks framing her face and reaching down below her chest.

Oh my gosh! Yashiro was slightly taken by surprise. She's so pretty... like a doll!

"Ah, you're researching about them, aren't you?" the girl spoke in a lilting tone. Her eyes were emerald green, similar to No.2's, but lighter. "What's your profession? What business do you have with them?"

"Um..." Yashiro gulped. "I'm a detective, ma'am."

"A detective." The green-haired girl repeated. "Well, have you heard of him? The No.7 boy?"

Does she mean Amane? Yashiro couldn't help but envy her looks.

"You know," the girl held up her hands to imitate cat ears. "The cat-like boy. Nyan, nyan."

"Cat-like boy..." Amane IS kind of cat-like at times...

"Willful and needy." The girl added more adjectives to describe the boy. "Is yours the same way?"

"What do you mean by that?" Yashiro moved forward in the line by a few steps. "He's not usually like that..." hold on a second, Nene! I've seen this in a manga somewhere! Could it be she's... Yashiro quickly sized up the green-haired girl from head to toe. Amane's girlfriend?!

I've never heard Amane saying he had a girlfriend before! Could she be lying?

"If you wish to know more," the girl handed her a white business card. "You can always call me. My name's Sakura Nanamine, by the way."

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