The Little Maids

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Warning! Explicit content ahead. If you're below 13 or dont know what that word means, dont read. I wont put warnings around it bc that's tiring. Thank you!

《{Shinsou POV}》

So we can make Bakugo and Kirishima do anything we please. I cant think of anything but Denki has this look in his eyes and I know hes up to something. He says one word and I'm immediately down.


This little fucking genius.

"Where do we get the outfits, how long, and what are we making them do?"

"I have some that I stole from Ayoyama. I always carry them when we have sleepovers. Truth and dare gets crazy with us. Make em go all day, walking around town and finish it off with a photo shoot."

"Yes. I love you so much right now."

He turns back to the two victims.

"You both have to wear maid outfits all day tomorrow. We have a day in the town and we finish it off with a photo shoot."


"Why? Are you scared~?"

"WHA- NO!"

"Then why not? Can you not do it? Is Bakugo defeated by a simple dress?"

This cheeky motherfucker is pulling all the right strings.

"Only if you can get two more people to do it."

I start to panic but I see his eyes flash again with this demon-like emotion. He pulls out his phone and I watch him type.


Hey Todoroki!

What's up Denki.

So Shinsou and I found a way
to get Kiri and Bakugo into maid
outfits but we need your help.

Anything. What do you need?

I need you and Izuku to wear
maid outfits with them.
Around town. And a photo shoot

I dont have a maid outfit though

I'm guessing Izuku doesnt have
one either...

No he has one. Dont ask.

Pfft! Hahahaha
Y'all getting freaky huh?
You should fit into the one
I packed for Shin. Come pick it up
and put it on tmrw @ 8. Meet us
in the lobby. K?

Got it. I'll tell Izu. Also, why
did you pack one for Shinsou?
I thought he would be the top.

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