A Way In

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○●Pikachu POV●○

I was running through the halls again. I cant see how someone could be that rude. All I wanted was to be friends with him. He said no but decided to STALK ME after making me want to die. Does he actually like me? Of course not. He's too cute to ever like someone like me. I'm short, I'm an idiot, and I have a total of 3 friends. Whoop de do.

I just cant understand it though. How am I so pathetic I cant even be friends with ONE person.

You know what?

Fuck that! I'm going to be this son of a bitch's best friend and nobody can stop me! He says he doesnt want a friend but I'm gonna figure out how to squeeze into that introverts heart one way or another.

First things first! What does he like?

1. Cats. All introverts love cats! Right?

2. Black. And obviously purple.

3. Music. But what kind? Maybe some my chemical romance? Panic! At the Disco? Probably.

4. Solidarity. He probably wants to be alone most of the time. That means when I'm with him I need to be alone with him. That sounds wierd but that just means I dont bring sero with me. I might also want to tone it down a bit.

Now that we have some base how about how I act. I should probably be patient. He doesnt want friends. Hes not just not thinking about having friends, hes decided against it so I'm going to have to wedge my way in. I'm gonna wanna be understanding too. I have to wait for him to warm up to me. He is a cat. Hes gonna hiss at me at first but once he purrs hes gonna be stuck with me forever.


That sounds wierd.

I meant as soon as he shows any interest in me or anything to do about me, I'm gonna wedge my way into his life even more.


Godammit bakugo. Interrupting my plans for shinsou domination. Wait! Fuck! That's not what I meant! It's too late. To be honest I wouldnt mind it anyway. Imma stop now.


What am I supposed to say? Technically it wasnt him. He just said something that triggered flashbacks that then made me cry.

"No. It wasnt purple fuck."

"Then what was it?"

"Nothing. We should get headed back to class! Aizawa will kill us if we're late. Race ya!"

I start sprinting down the hall, using my quirk to go faster. Bakugo stared for a second before grimacing. I'm scared. He makes a battle cry and zooms off behind me. I turn a corner, almost slipping at the speed I was going. I could hear explosions from behind me. I run faster. I see the classroom but I can hear Bakugos explosions right behind me. I grab the doorframe and propel myself into the room. Just before my foot hits the floor I feel Bakugo grab the back of my shirt collar and he yanks me out of the doorway. I feel myself land on my back in the hallway and Bakugo's just standing on the other side of the doorway with a smirk on his face.

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