Zim the Sociologist

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You sat on one of the swings at the park closest to where you lived. You were attempting to devise a plan for the most efficient way to get Dib and Gas to Camp Half-Blood safely. The only problem was, if you removed Dib from his hometown, there would be no one left to stop Zim's evil plans. Well, no one else besides Gir who always manages to delay Zim's evil tactics. Would it even be best to make them leave now in the middle of the school year? You decided the best time of operation would be once summer vacation hits.

Zim was about to begin his search for you. He had to tell you what was going on with him. You were the only one he could trust enough to help him understand the strange sensations he gets in his squeedily spooch every time he came near you. No one made him that nervous, not even the Tallest! And now that his Pak's emotion blockers were destroyed, who knew what feelings he would start to develop?

His search time was cut in half when he spotted you at the park a few blocks away from his base. Zim marched up to your oblivious figure. "Y/n-human! There you are."

You turned your head in his direction. "What's up, Zim?"

"Hm?" He hummed, looking up at the sky. "A few clouds. Those winged rodent things. Your poisonous sun. An-"

You laughed, making a mental note to teach him more human slang so he wouldn't stand out as much. "No, Zim. I meant how are you? Saying 'what's up' is like a greeting. Think of it as a 'hello.'"

"Zim knew that." He played it off. "I was just trying to make sure you knew what you were saying." You gave him a look that said "really?" He quickly returned to the reason why he came looking for you in the first place. "I have a...uh, problem. I need your help."

You guffawed dramatically and stood up from the swing. "I'm sorry? The almighty Zim needs my assistance? What happened to me being inferior compared to your Irkens training?"

He rolled his purple eyes and continued. "Look, my Pak is damaged. Normally, Irkens are programmed not to have feelings of... allure to other people. But since that stupid ball kicking game, my Pak has been compromised. When I get around you I have these weird symptoms."

You realized he was basically admitting to having a crush on you. Gir had said that Zim liked you, but could you really trust anything that comes out of that adorable robot's mouth? You held back a smile, trying not to think about the fact that the arrogant alien you were crushing on shared the same feelings. You blushed, but allowed the alien to continue.

"I always second guess myself when I speak to you. My mind turns to mush. I feel like I swallowed an asteroid and stutter like an idiot! Why do these things happen? And why must love be so painful! Tell Zim now!" He crumpled and then uncalled his fists while slouching over to show the importance of what he was saying.

"Calm down." You placed a hand on his shoulder. Surprisingly, he didn't remove your hand. "What you feel is normal. Everyone reacts differently to having a crush, but I assure you nothing is abnormal about what you feel. As for it being painful, I mean, sure when you get rejected or break up it can hurt, but not physically. Or at least it shouldn't hurt physically."

Zim seemed to think over what you just told him. From what you had just told him, love shouldn't be that bad. If it weren't that big of a deal, why did the Irkens do away with it in the first place? As a means for control?

"Well, in that case," He intertwined his fingers with yours. "You are officially unofficially my love pig. You're the only one who can make me feel this way, so I must keep you around." He then realized what he just said and coughed. "For sociological purposes of course."

You smiled at him. "Of course, Zim. It's not like you want to date me or anything. Now tell me more about this whole Pak situation."


You laid across the couch in Zim's base. Gir sat on your legs, munching down on French fries. Zim paced back and forth, explaining the importance of the Pak system to the Irken society. To say the least, it was fascinating. All of their programming, weaponry, and snacks could be stored in such a small device. You wondered how long it would be until the human race began controlling society with brain chips or cloning.

Computer's voice suddenly chimed in. "Incoming call from the Tallest."

Zim's antennae perked up at the interruption. "The Tallest?! I can't let them know about y/n. Not yet! What will they think? Don't pick up yet."

Despite Zim's orders, Computer allowed the transmission to go through just to spite his master. Gir grinned widely and waved rapidly at the two leaders on the screen. Zim froze in place while he was pushing you out of the room.

"My Tallest! To what pleasure do I owe this sudden call?" He bowed respectfully, not realizing that you were still in the camera.

Tallest Purple slurped on his sugary drink, allowing his eyes to travel towards the human in Zim's base. "Hey, is that the powerful human you were talking about?"

Zim's antennae shot up in worry as he turned to see you still in the room. You waved at the purple-eyed alien in front of you. Zim shot you a look and you shrugged. "I didn't know where to go. It's not like I've been given a proper tour of your home."

Almighty Red shook his head. "How rude of him. He's a terrible host."

Purple agreed nodding his head and slurping from his drink again. "We Irkens may destroy everything in our path, but we have manners Zim." A service Irken hand him a bag of desserts. He snatched them and ate one before spitting it out. "These are jelly filled! I wanted them filled with pudding, you idiot. Launch him into space with Invader Skoodge."

You watched in horror as the two Irkens screamed while they were being launched outside of the ship. You could see where Zim learned his somewhat rude behaviors from.

"So," Red continued, "have they helped you take over the planet yet? What's going on with that?"

Zim's disposition completely changed as he nervously glanced over at your angry figure. "Heh, You see my Tallest..." You slammed the door, briskly leaving the poor excuse of a house.

Was it all a lie? Did Zim just pretend to have a problem with his Pak's circuits just to get you to use your powers for evil? Could he really be that dense? You felt as though you were blind sighted by the magenta-eyed alien. You let your feelings for him distract you from his true intentions.

Zim excused himself from the call and hurried after you. "Y/n, wait! Allow Zim to explain!"

You crossed your arms and turned to face him. "Explain what Zim? That your little 'sociology experiment' was just a plot to use my powers to destroy the Earth? You played with my emotions. That's not cool."

"Zim did not 'play with your emotions.' I didn't lie either! I do have feelings for you, and despite how gross and icky they are, I meant what I said about being with you. I told the Tallest that I wanted to use you, yes, but Zim has no intentions of doing so. Not anymore!" He said sadly.

You noticed he had forgotten to put his disguise back on. "Fine, Zim. Let's just go back inside."

Once you made it to the safety of his home, you overheard the leaders talking about how funny they were for sending the shorter Irken on a fake mission. Did Zim not realize he was banished and being lied to? Great, now you were angry at the Irken and feeling bad for him at the same time. Zim was right, emotions are gross.

The transmission cut off with the two Tallest cracking up and rolling on the floor in laughter. You looked to Zim. "I'm sorry for storming out like that. Just promise me, no more secrets for now on. And so help me, Zim, if I find out you're still plotting to use me to take over the Earth I will end you."

He gulped and promised that he would never do such a thing. You nodded in approval. Gir hugged both your and Zim's legs happily. "Yay, we're a family again! When's the wedding?"

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