Space Boy

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You and Dib stared at each other for a while. He looked at you expectantly, hoping you could give him some type of insight about who his mother was. You, on the other hand, couldn't be sure. There were so many Greek goddesses that it was hard to pinpoint one. However, you did have some idea, based on your research and what you knew about Dib.

You gave him and unsure smile and shrugged. "I'm thinking your mom is one of the moon goddesses. Your fascination with space and all things supernatural makes me lean towards Selene."

Dib's expression shifted to one of confusion. "I've never heard of her. I thought you were going to say Artemis or something."

"Okay, first of all, Artemis is a virgin goddess." You point a finger at him. "Secondly, the minor gods and goddesses are just as important. Selene is powerful, so you probably inherited some of her abilities if she's your mother."

While you and Dib were discussing the baby momma drama, Zim took the liberty to do his own research. Zim gasped dramatically and pulled you away from the large headed boy. He hugged you protectively. "Vampire! The Dib-stink is a vampire!"

You laughed at Zim's antics, understanding his outburst and sudden sense of protectiveness. You gently pushed him off of you. "Zim, Selene isn't a vampire goddess, or at least she wasn't originally until modern mythology switched everything around. Dib the best thing for you to do is to ask your dad about it. Until then, I will continue to be your guardian."

Dib eventually left, clearly forgetting what he came for in the first place. You, Zim, and Gir plopped down on his couch. You were surprised that the alien hadn't kicked you out, too, by now. Gir fell asleep in your lap while watching the Angry Monkey Show. You pet his metal head and looked over to Zim, who was lost in thought.

"You are uncharacteristically quiet right now,  Zim. What's on your mind?" You asked.

"Zim just wants to know more about hyoomans. Why are these myths true? Why do some people believe in things other don't? Why do you Earthlings love greasy foods? What's the deal with sports?" 

You put a hand on his shoulder to shush him. "Slow down! I can't answer your questions if I don't remember them. As for the whole mythology thing, early people had their own religions and beliefs like we do today. Most of them believed in more than one god that ruled over certain domains and specialties, like the moon, the sky, the water, music, war, you name it."

Zim blinked. "So those aren't believed now? You just said you were a Greek demon-god, so they must be real. Which ones are fake? Explain to Zim!" He balled his hands into fists.

"It's not to say any one religion is right or wrong. Granted, people will believe that their religion is real over anyone else's. They all are real in their own respective ways." You explained the best you could. "The 'myths' are real, just not highly believed in by a lot of people now."

Zim nodded. "Yes, it all makes sense. The hyoomans are all confused! The Irkens only believe in one thing: the Tallest." You wanted to face palm. No matter what you said, you were sure he would have the same response. Nevertheless, he continued. "Explain sports to Zim!"

You laughed, remembering all of his failed attempts in Physical Education. "Well, sports are ways to stay in shape and be competitive. Some people are really good, some not so much. Everyone has different talents. The best of the best at major sports like basketball, American football, soccer, and baseball make big money. They are powerful people in the U.S."

Zim's eyes widened. "So, you can rule the world by being good at sports. Athletes win hearts and power. Yes, I see." He laughed evilly. "Zim must go... rest up for school tomorrow. You can leave now."

You gave him a weird glance, wondering why his mood changed so suddenly. You decided to not question it. You had other things to worry about. You shrugged and lifted Gir off of your lap. Zim's robot parents closed the door behind you as you returned home. 

On your walk home, you allowed your mind to wonder. Most of your thoughts were centered around a certain alien. You knew you were catching feelings for him. Feelings that you wished would go away. You just knew this had to be some sick joke from Aphrodite. Seeing you fall in love with someone who would never love you back must be like a TV or a bad fan fiction to her.  Things felt more like a pitiful comedy than a romance. 


"Computer! Analyze Zim's athletic ability. What are my chances of becoming the next... goat as the humans call it." Zim sat back in a chair in his secret base.

The computer groaned, clearly not in the mood to be doing anything for his master. "Analyzing. ANALYZING... Zim has no athletic ability. Chances of becoming the next Michael Jordan are slim to none."

Zim glared at the screen before him. "I know not of this Michael Jordan, but if he is the best I must have his talents. Create a simulator for me to download his capabilities into my pak." 

His original reason for wanting to be good at sports was his latest plan. He would create a fanbase because of his athletic abilities, and, eventually, become a celebrity. From there, he would take over the world with the power he earned as he worked his way up. However, his mindset began to shift to thoughts about impressing you. If he could become talented at something (other than being an invader), then maybe he could win you over.

The computer connected a wire to Zim's Pak. "Unable to download. Pak is not properly operated. Faulty wiring."

"Faulty wiring?! Zim has no faults." Zim exclaimed. "What could have interfered with my Pak's system? Computer, show recent events that could have caused a malfunction with it!"

The computer went silent for a few moments before pulling up a video from about a month ago. Zim was once again in P.E. All the students were forced to play kickball. Zim, stared off into space, clearly having no clue of what was to come. Torque Smackey aimed and kicked the ball right at the green boy. The ball collided with his back, knocking Zim onto his face. The last image Zim saw on the screen was you flinching from the hard hit he had just taken.

Zim's eyes widened. "No wonder Zim is having these weird feelings about the human y/n. My Pak has been damaged! Irkens have no feelings because of the Pak system." He growled. "Computer, how long will it take for it to be fixed?"

"It cannot be fixed. Damage is substantial and beyond repair." The computer responded immediately.

"What? No! There must be something I can do! Who knows what these... feelings will make Zim do. How can I be an invader if I constantly have y/n on my mind! These sensations in my squeedily spooch will never go away!" He complained.

For the first time in his life, Zim was terrified of what may happen next.

I am making revisions so that the story is open to girls, boys, and gender non-binary readers! Let me know if you see any errors or spots I missed!

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