
The next few days were much of the same. Harry made plans with Draco, Ron, and Hermione while trying to figure out where to go first. Today, an executor was coming over to read off Dumbledore's will. So, he hoped that that will give him some clue about what to do next.

Though, it wasn't an executor that came. It was the Minister of Magic. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco followed him inside. The trio sat on the couch while Draco stood off to the side. Hermione was given the children's book Tales of Beedle the Bard, Ron got a deluminator while Harry got the snitch that he caught at his first Quidditch match.

"Is that all?" Harry asked when the Minister didn't move from his seat.

"Not quite," he said. "Dumbledore also left you the sword of Gryffindor. Unfortunately, it wasn't his to give."

"But it belongs to Harry," Hermione replied. "It showed itself to Harry when he most needed it in the chamber of secrets."

"The sword may present itself to any worthy Gryffindor but that doesn't mean it belongs to him." The Minister turned to look at Draco. "He left something for you as well, Mr. Malfoy."

"What?" He asked, shocked.

The trio had similarly shocked expressions on their faces as the Minister pulled out a bracelet. It was a simple black band with green gems embedded in them.

"He says: to keep the darkness at bay," the Minister handed the bracelet over.

Draco took it and slipped it on his right wrist. The Minister bid them goodbye and left without so much as a backward glance. Harry walked over to Draco and looked down at the bracelet.

"Did you have any idea he was going to do this?" Harry asked.

Draco shook his head. "None. I was tasked to kill him for Merlin's sake."

"Good point. What do you think he meant by the note?"

"Maybe it has to do with the mark," Draco shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."


Draco changed into a black suit for the wedding. He was tying his silver tie when Harry came in.

Harry grinned. "I like the tie."

Draco smiled. "Thanks. Some softie gave it to me."

Harry chuckled and kissed Draco's cheek. "He sounds amazing."

"And humble."

Harry straightened his tie. "You look great."

"Thank you," Draco looked Harry up and down. "You look like you raided Weasley's closet."

"I didn't bring a suit. I didn't think I would need one."

Draco turned around and pulled out a suit from his trunk. "Here. You can borrow mine. I've even got a green tie."

"Of course you do," he smiled. "Thanks."

Harry changed and Draco helped him tie his tie. "There. You look very handsome."

Harry smiled and put his hands in his pockets. He took his hands out and looked down to see he was holding something in each hand. "What is this?"

"Happy Birthday," Draco said.


"I know it's not much but I don't have access to my family's money anymore." Draco took the simple necklace with a green emerald out of his hand and clasped it around his neck. "I charmed it to protect you. I don't know how well it will work but I hope it'll give you an edge at least. And the other thing is liquid luck. Given that you're always almost dying, I thought you could use a little luck."

Harry slipped the potion back into his pocket and pulled Draco into a kiss. "Thank you. I love it."

"It doesn't compare to your gift, though."

"That's okay," Harry kissed Draco's cheek. "I'll just be the best gift-giver in this relationship."

Draco scoffed. "Just wait until all this shit is over. You'll see how great of a gift-giver I am."

They both smiled at each other, both thinking and hoping for a bright future where they stayed together.

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