Chapter 21 - The Escape

Start from the beginning

“Well, guess what? You’re wrong. I’m not putting up with anything. If you’re hurting, then I want to be there for you.”

I nod at him and try to hold in the tears from falling again. It’s like I’m a dam and I can’t get the floodgates to shut close. I don’t think I’ve ever been more of a mess than today and that’s really saying something because I’ve had my share of really bad days.

“Where were you planning on going?” he asks me softly.


His eyes widen. “You know that’s at least a five hour drive on the highway, right? You were gonna drive all the way there by yourself?” he asks me incredulous.

“I hadn’t thought it all the way through. I was thinking of maybe taking the train.”

“Do you even have the keys to the house?” he asks, clearly seeing that I have nothing on my person.

I reach in my pocket and produce the keys, dropping them in the console between us. That was the only part I was able to think about.

He gives me an endearing grin, as if to say you’re so cute for trying, and turns the engine back on. I’m fully expecting him to turn the car around and head back home after my failed attempt to escape, but he continues straight ahead and onto the highway.

“Where are you going?” I ask, uncomprehending.

“Marbella. Where else?” he answers as a matter of fact.

“But you just –”

“Do you not want to go anymore?” he asks confused.

“I do. But you don’t have to take me. You can just drop me off at the train station or something.”

He looks over at me like I’ve gone mad. “Please stop insulting me,” he says exasperated. “I’m not taking or dropping you off anywhere. I’m going with you.”

He thinks I’m insulting him? “I’m not. I just … I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.”

“You think I give a shit about anything that doesn’t concern you right now? I swear Sofia, I will chase you until the end of the earth and back. I’m not losing you again.”

Wow, this angry, no nonsense Adrian is really something else. I’m a bit startled by it but at the same time I’m finding it incredibly sexy somehow. I decide to keep my mouth shut, not knowing how to respond to that but also because I don’t want to keep agitating him.

He seems to relax a bit after a while of silence among us. As we pass the first toll booth, we look at each other and I can’t help but grin at him when it sinks in that we’re really doing this. He’s running away with me. We’re running away together.

He reaches over and grabs my hand. “Sleep, darling. I’ll get us there.”

I kiss his palm and get comfortable in my seat, laying my head down to the side and facing him. I enjoy the last rays of sunshine warming me over through the window until I close my eyes.

When I open them again it’s night outside and we’re in Marbella, pulling up to my family’s beach house. I immediately smile at all the good memories I have of this place. Even though the weather isn’t ideal as it’s the end of March and it’s still a bit cold out, I can already tell this is exactly what I wanted. After all, nothing bad has ever happened in this house.

Adrian pulls me into a hug as we walk inside the empty, quiet house. Normally it’s loud and filled with people and so it feels different that it’s just the two of us. It feels good.

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