Chapter 6-Peasant Tales

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There are many things in this world that I despise. Cruelty, Criminal's, Idiocy and Awkward situations to name a few.

But, if there is anything I despise above all else, it's lies and false stories.

Unable to fall asleep, I'd stayed up with Novora, listening to her sing.

She was a special child. A descendant of Ainka, the Goddess of Fate. As a descendant of Ainka, she was gifted with foresight yet her gift was both a blessing and a curse. While gifted with the ability to see into the future, she was born blind, as is the fate of all Descendants of Ainka.

The girl was young, only twelve years old.

Novora had retired to her room mere minutes ago. We'd sat by the window for almost two hours, doing nothing but listen to the wind and Novora as she hummed a song mostly sung by old wise men.

Eventually, the girl tired herself out and I carried her to bed, tucking her in and giving her a gentle kiss atop her forehead.

"Sleep well child."

"You too Mercury."

I left the child to sleep, silently closing the door behind me.

The sun shone brightly outside, its rays warming the halls. Despite the weather and clear skies, the black snow continued to fall from the heavens.

It began to freeze, the sunlight glistening off of the black ice with the windows fogging up from the cold.

Thank the gods for the mages.

I feared I may have frozen to death if they hadn't warmed up the palace.

"Mercury." A voice came.

Ahead of me stood a tall figure. Grey haired, old, and experienced, Borune The Grey was clad in his steel armour.  Though his military years were far behind him, his loyalty and continued service were appreciated by everyone and he was well-respected throughout the royal family.

He was also the man who taught me all I knew, the closest thing I had to a father.

He only wore his plate when the worst had happened.

"Borune." I said, acknowledging him with a nod.

"We may have a situation on our hands." He spoke as we walked side by side, making our way toward the dining hall.

Borune stopped me, beckoning for me to follow.

"We're having breakfast a little late today."

"But I'm starving!"

"This is of the utmost urgency Mercury."

I groaned, as did my stomach, and reluctantly followed Borune.

He led me through the palace toward the lounging area.

The Palace Lounge was as grandiose and large as the rest of the Palace. The fireplace was inviting, a cozy flame danced within.

The Emperor himself sat at the centre of the room, long raven hair ran down his back. He wore a set black and gold bathrobe and sandles, his chest bare. It was almost as if he'd just gotten out of bed.

Behind him stood a woman who spied me with dazzling amethyst eyes, clad in black leather. She was as deadly as she was beautiful.

"Somnia." I said.

Somnia nodded silently and shifted her focus back to the Emperor. Two men stood in rags in the middle of the room.

"Where are Raiolen and Ida?"

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