Chapter 3

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"And shepherds we shall be for thee my lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, and out feet may swiftly carry out thy command, so we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be, enomeni Patri, et fili, spirictus sancti" as the man fell to the floor I stood there breathlessly, for some reason, an overwhelming sense of emotion washed over me, for so many years hearing about the brothers there they were, saying their prayer in front of me, and my god were their arses hot...I stood there in a world of my own as I stared at them, bending down to place the two pennies on his eyes "phhhhewww" I let out a whistle "what?" Connor looked at me still bent over "what?" I stood up straight and fastened some of my hair back into a clip "you said something?" "No?" I blushed as they both stood up and tucked away their crosses, "okay we need to get out of here" I looked at the pair and walked out into the full room of people none the wiser of what had just occurred.

"I hope for our sake you don't get any of your blood on my dress" I looked ahead as they circled around us "what makes you think this is my blood we will be spilling?" "Have you got any idea....who i am?" I turned my head to look at him and smiled "you're a girl, a worthless, pathetic weak woman who relies on two men to keep her safe" I sighed quickly and shuck my head "woman yes....weak no babe" he knelt down in front of me, he was the only man in the room "the only blood being spilt youOUCH" I pulled my head back after head butting him "bitch!" He held his nose as blood trickled over his lips "watch my dress" I smiled as he ran to the sink and tended to his nose.
"Connor, murph you alright??!" I looked at them both, their bags over their heads nodding "I'll get us out of here...." Siderov came back "you'll regret doing that, such a waste of beauty, we could have gone far..." He held a gun to my head and loaded it "don't do it" I smiled at him "you'll regret it if you do" "regret it? What will I regret?" "Us" stood behind him Connor and murph holding up their guns "drop it and get on your knees" he smiled as he dropped his gun, I brought my hand from behind my back and took it from him, unloaded it and threw it away "how long have you been untied?" I got to my feet "since we got in here, your men really need to learn how to tie ropes..." I smiled as I tied his hands and stepped back "move out the way weak woman" Connor smiled at me "shut up prick" I rolled my eyes and leant again the wall to let the lads do their thing.

At their apartment murphy went straight inside, Connor hung back "hey er...I'm sorry for calling you a weak woman earlier, I didn't mean it" I nodded "thank you" he continued to stare at me "what? Something on my face?" "I'm waiting for an apology" "what for?" He laughed and shuck his head "for calling me a fucking prick!" "No no no I called you prick...not a "fucking" prick" I smiled at him as I called a taxi, "okay...I'm sorry" I smiled as he walked with me but stopped at the gate.

We stared at each other "how is it, we've just been through all that shit, and you still have your mask in place" I ran my finger over my eyes and felt the black underneath "why...don't you like it?" I stepped closer to him his warm breath on my nose, the faint smell of cigarette and whiskey "have a nice night mr MacManus" I smiled as I loosened a few clips from my hair sending it curly down my back, as the taxi pulled up on the street I turned to look at Connor, stood there in the streetlight until he nodded once and turned away, I looked at the cab driver who pulled out a newspaper "Connor!!" I shouted as I ran towards him, he spun around and I locked my lips with his. He pulled away and looked at me, his eyes searching deeper and deeper into mine, with his left hand he slowly took off my mask and pressed his lips to mine, this time more carefully.

Lust took over as I pushed him backwards into the wall, his tongue playfully searching for mine, as he pushed back we ended up falling backwards into the taxi "100 dollars to piss off for an hour" Connor gave him a wedge of notes which the driver took gratefully and got out. Connor pushed me further in and closed the door after him, he grabbed my dress and from the back tore it apart, pulling it from me he revealed my leg holster "that's were the fucker is" he smirked as he traced his tongue from the base of my leg to the clip, undid the clasp as his trail went further, in pure heaven I slowly dropped my head and laid down on the seat

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