Chapter 7

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They boys looked at me as the lights began to flash again, Dean grabbed my hand and hauled me up to my feet "what now?" He looked at Sam "I need my guns!" I ran to the cupboard on the far side of the room I heard Sam mutter something as I reached the cupboard and grabbed my thigh gun "Kacy....come back" I spun around to face them "i need to get another gun wait!" "We aren't dealing with a ghost...Kacy come to us" Dean held up his gun again "why are you aiming your gun at me?!" "I'm not aiming it at you...I'm aiming it at the blonde behind ya" I turned around slowly "frank-" I gasped as I felt a sharp object push through my stomach, I tried to take short breaths as I stumbled backwards "Frankie?" I said again as she pulled the blade from me, blood spurted from the wound and ran over and through my fingers, she started to chuckle at me as I felt the blood draining from my cold body, I stumbled backwards as someone caught me "Murphy..." I stuttered as I was pulled into his chest "connor, there so much blood" i heard raised voices, where Connor was arguing with Sam and Dean.

" hurts...." I started to cough when I felt warm liquid raise up my throat, the blood trickled down out the corner of my mouth "I'm so cold" suddenly the three men ran to my side "we need to get her to Cas" Dean lifted up my shirt "get ya fucking hands off her! She wouldn't be in this mess if you bastards hadn't come over!" Connor spat at them "guys, she's losing life quickly, we need to get her to CAS!" Sam looked at Connor "over our dead body are you taking her anywhere, Sam pushed Murphy over and picked me up, my head rolling as I was losing consciousness. They placed me in the back of their car, and began to drive as soon as Murphy sat next to me, propping me up against Connor "why can't your bastards call the angel to our place?" "Because smart ass, you've got angel symbols all over the god damned room, not to mention the holy oil!" Dean cursed as he sped down the roads.

We eventually arrived on our road "how is she?" I turned around to look at the brothers "Kacy....Kacy fucking open your eyes!" Connor shuck her "feel for a pulse" Dean next to me shouted back "I can't feel a fucking thing" Connor cupped her face and got out the car as soon as it stopped moving, "let me get her, Dean summon Cas!" I picked up her lifeless body, her head flopped back, her hair draped over my arm, we ran through the door, Dean swiped the papers from the desk, "put a pillow on that end" I looked at the Irish brothers, the smaller one did so quickly, I laid her down and went to reach for her shirt "hey! Ge-" Connor grabbed my wrist "Connor...let him" he let reluctantly and allowed me to roll up her shirt.

Dean, minutes later came back with Cas "heal her....please..." Dean looked at him as he walked over, he placed a hand over her head, but nothing happened "Cas? What's wrong you lost your mojo?" "No...Kacy...she's..." "She's what?!" Connor stood up to face the angel "she's...she's the queen of hell" cas stood back as everyone looked at him "what!?! Queen of fucking hell are you kidding us!" Connor started to go mad "look if you don't sit down and shut your mouth I'm going to tie you to that chair and gag you" I looked at Connor who stood up straight "Dean...she doesn't know she's the queen of hell....her memory has been wiped" "how?" Dean folded his arms as he looked at her lifeless body "I'm assuming by either Lilith...or Crowley" "can you please heal her" Murphy stepped forward, Cas went back to Kacy and held his hand over her head once more.

I sat up quickly with a big gasp of air, "what happened?! Why did Frankie stab me?!" I ran my fingers through my knotted hair before pulling it into a messy bun, bits from my fringe wisped around my face "Kacy you're the queen of hell!" Connor came rushing to me "ha...what now?" I looked at him, Dean stepped forward "according to're the queen of hell" I got down from the table, and were caught by Sam who leant me on the edge of the desk "I'm not queen of hell, I'm Kacy, who has just been stabbed by her dead sister!" "Yeah about that...your sister...she's a demon and she stabbed you with the demon blade, which is why it killed you" Sam looked at me "a we've had ghosts, Angels and now we have demons and being brought back to life, and hey I have news for you, people who get stabbed tend to die" "why are you so god damn stubborn!" Dean started to get agitated "well I'm sorry I'm not little miss good wife who keeps her mouth shut and does every command her man says" I stood up from the lean and walked to the door.

I looked down at my stomach "what's wrong?" The angel placed a hand on my shoulder "I can't bloody go out like this can I?!" I pointed to my ripped and bloody shirt "well...we don't own female clothes" Dean swigged from a bottle of beer "what even from your weekends? Can't you lend one of your dresses" Connor sniggered at my comment which earnt a nudge to the ribs from Murphy "can I please borrow one of your shirts?" "Dean's more your shirts would look like a dress on you, I mean so will Dean's but not as bad as mine" Sam stuttered "thank which door do I go through?" "Down there, the right and it's the fourth door" Dean finished his beer and walked into the kitchen I followed his directions...

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