Chapter 5

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I grabbed the black bag and hauled it over my shoulder, the boys were still asleep, snoring as usual, I looked at them both as a tear rolled down my cheek "I'm sorry" I whispered before walking out the door, closing it behind me quietly. I threw the bag in the trunk of the car, closing it before collapsing against it, I just sat there, as the sound of rain grew closer, until I felt the drops hit my body, the rain getting heavier and heavier, sticking my clothes to my skin, my hair to my face, I just wanted the ground to swallow me whole, "Kacy! Get your ass back in that room!" I heard the thick Irish accent come from behind the car, "no, I'm fine just...leave me alone!" "It's pouring!" Connor appeared next to me "it's just water." I looked ups t him as the water fell in to my already wet eyes "for fuck sake!" He scooped me up, and carried me back inside "put me down" I fought him as soon as we got in the hall "look! We have space in the apartment just stay" his body was soaked, the water dripping down his chest, over his scars "Connor I can't...not after what i did" "what did you do!? You tried to save your sister!" "By putting your lives on the fucking line! CONNOR I can't be trusted! Please...let me go" "it's 2 in the fecking morning, get your ass through that door right no-" "NO Connor.....bye...." I kissed his cheek and held myself there, just taking in his scent before coming from my tiptoes and walking back down the stairs, I could hear his calling my name as I walked outside, into my car and drove to the furthest bar I could manage.

I tapped my glass on the bar side "yo! Another JD! Please!" The barman walked over "'ve nearly had the bottle-" "and?" He looked at me hesitantly "here...just have some food before you drink the next bottle!" He pushed a sandwich towards me "look, I'm sorry about your sister...okay but...drinking yourself dead isn't the way, look after yourself" he stroked my hand before walking to serve another customer. "Sorry....I overheard about your sister...I'm really sorry to have heard that..if there's anything I can do-" "dude I don't know you" I turned to the brown haired blue eyed man, smiling at me kindly "no....but maybe...talking to a stranger might help" he pushed forward a spare Jack Daniels and looked at me with kind eyes, "I don't deserve people being nice to me, I don't deserve your time" "why? What could you have possibly done that was so bad?" "I put two of my friends lives on the line, just to save my sister, I put their lives in jeopardy for such a selfish reason, and all they can do is be nice to me, put a roof over my head, feed me..." "So why are ya here?" He sipped his beer "because, if that was you, and someone set you up to be killed....would you be kind to them?" He looked at me.

He hesitated before answering "truthfully, yeah...if I knew that they did it for a family member, and they had no choice in the matter, I couldn't blame them, and knowing what they'd been through, I'd do everything in my power to help them out, if that's from the small things like food to the bigger things like a hug" he smiled at me again "I....I can't go back, not now, I left one of them standing outside calling my name" "maybe they'll come to you?" "They don't know where I am, I'm sure they're probably still in bed, fast asleep" "I wouldn't be so sure..." He smiled at me as he looked over my shoulder "Kacy?" I spun around on the bar stool "Connor? Murph? Wh....why are you here?" "More importantly why are YOU here??" Murph looked at me "I don't deserve either of you, okay I nearly got you killed" "go for feck sake shut your trap" Connor stormed over to me "look! There's been plenty a time I've wanted to kill that fecker over there" "well fuck you" Murphy shouted back "just. Listen. There's been opulently a time where we've had to give up our lives for each other, and thats because we love each other, you used us for your sister, and we, yeah we're pissed, we were pissed but you wanted to save your sister and that's fine with us!" "Anyway, we're still here live an' kickin' like" Murphy ordered a drink for us all.

I stood up from the barstool and threw my arms around the pair of them "you can't escape us that easily" "thank you" they put their arms around me and squeezed "so....who's this guy?" They pointed to the kind man behind me "oh! This is er..errr" "I'm jared...nice to meet you" he held out his strong big hand as we sat back down "what you do for a living?" "I'm in the family business" "and what family business is that?" Murphy, sat on the left of me looked at Connor who was sat on the right "hunting" jared smiled as he finished his beer "you're dressed rather smart for a hunter..." "My other clothes are covered in blood, don't think they'd look too good on me sat in a bar, people may get the wrong idea" he ordered another beer as he got interrogated further.

"Okay! I think we can leave the poor man alone now" I placed my hands on the boys' shoulders "hey Connor, fancy waging a game of pool agains those guys over there?" "Aye murph! I think I do" they jumped up and walked over cooly to the table, I went back to jared "I'm sorry about them, they're not normally like that..." "Don't worry about it, anyway, let's get that second bottle of Jack eh? Think we can finish it between us?" "I could finish it myself, the fact you're helping, we may need two bottles" I smiled as we clinked glasses.

We watched from the pool table "Connor...I've seen him before..." "I know whatcha mean murph" I stood up from the pool table after taking my shot "I can't quite put my finger on it...but...I don't like him" "me neither...I'm thinking we need to keep a close eye on this one murph, I got a feeling he's going to be around a lot more often".

The brothers stood there, looking at me, it was getting uncomfortable "cheers!" Jared lifted his glass again, I met it with my glass before downing the shot and smiling at him.

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