Chapter 8

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I came down stairs with a red plaid shirt tied around me...and it was drowning me, I walked into the kitchen and grabbed Connors knife "hey what you doing?!" He spun around as I began to cut the collar from the shirt, "is that my shirt?" Dean stormed over as I shimmied the open collar down to my chest " was your shirt" I tied the arms into a bow at the front and managed to make a form of short dress which went over my leather jeggings. "oh c'mon! That's my favourite shirt!" Dean put his beer down and folded his arms" " some back" I threw the collar at him "oh that's just great, thanks what am I supposed to do with this? Wear it like a dog collar?" "Do as you please" I smirked as I handed Connor his knife back "I'm sorry...would you like the shirt back?" I smiled as I slowly undid the buttons, event quell revealing no bra "'s fine..." He swallowed nervously as I stepped closer to him "can we go now?" Connor looked at us, something was eating him up "she can't" Sam interrupted "We need to get her to remember hell so she can kill Lilith and take her rightful place as queen" "but if she kills Lilith that's the start of the apocalypse, we know all about this shit!" Murphy looked at us all "Sam she needs to remember who she is so she can kill Lilith and then kill Crowley" I threw the knife between their heads shutting them both us "SHE is still stood here and SHE doesn't want to remember being queen of hell because SHE isn't queen of hell..." I walked to them, grabbed the knife and put it in my thigh holder under the shirt "right..I'm getting out of here are you coming?" I looked at Connor and Murph. Both nodding at me enthusiastically and walking towards the door.

I followed them to the door when I gasped and stood looking at the black dog looking back at me "what....what is that?" I pointed to the mutt, "what's what?" Murphy looked at me slightly confused "THAT! The god damned dog stood in the door!" "She's remembering....oh good" a rough English accent came from behind us "CROWLEY!" Dean scorned as we came back into the kitchen "hello boys...and girl of course" I leant on the kitchen side "who's Crowley?" "I am, darling, king of hell nice to meet you" he held out his hand, I took it to shake, however he brought it to his lips and kissed the back of my hand "such soft skin" "okay" I smiled awkwardly as I took my hand back "what can we do for you Crowley?" Dean stood near me "I hear you have the queen of hell in your presence...but she can't remember" I tilted my head "I've had enough of this, I've had a shit day, I've been stabbed by my dead sister, I've died, come back alive by and angel! Told I'm the queen of hell I have a dog that no one else sees and now we have king of hell, I'm going home" I grabbed my other knife and put it on my thigh holster and walked to the door "dog move!" Suddenly my head filled with flashbacks of everything, things I had no idea what they meant, screams, laughter, thunder, then I blacked out.

"Whoa what the hell?!" Sam ran over to her and picked her up "Dean get out of the way" he barged past me "what's wrong with her?" I walked to the fridge and got another beer "she's passed out, which means when she wakes up, she'll remember everything" Crowley smiled in the corner "that's not a good thing! We were supposed to stop her from remembering!" Murphy cupped her face "we were supposed to stop her remembering everything, she, we weren't supposed to cross paths, but then things happened, luckily she hasn't remembered us, like before, it was like a clean slate" Murphy looked at us "what...what do you mean?" Sam looked at the brothers "we killed her sister, she, she went into this crazy killing spree and we put her down, her eyes, were black, we didn't realise she was a demon, Kacy she had no clue, she just she didn't even have a body to bury, then we ended up on the same course of killing, we crossed paths, and we fell for each other as cliche as that may sound, we did our research, we know people, and well, we found out she's the queen of hell, we've known for months, we've just been hiding it from her, but she's remembering-"

"You killed my sister" I sat up and interrupted Connor middle of the speech "you killed my sister and then hid all of this from let my family bury an empty coffin knowing full well she was walking around alive!" "Not really she's more demonised-" "shut up Castiel" I swallowed back my tears, I got down from the table and sorted out the dress "what am I wearing?!" I looked down "maybe this is more to your taste darling" Crowley held up a bag, I took it from him and walked upstairs. I pulled on the red fitted shirt, pulled on the leather pencil skirt and slipped on the red stiletto ankle boots, I looked in the mirror at my hair, looked at my fingers and clicked them, my hair curled and had blonde highlight in, I looked damn good. I out my blades back in place and walked downstairs.

"Now my darling-" "don't darling me sweetie" I held my finger up to Crowley "excuse me?" "I remember what happened, that little memory of someone making me forget who I was!" "Kacy-" "I'll deal with you in a minute" I looked at Murphy and Connor before back at Crowley "you made me forget, so I couldn't remain queen so YOU could take over my throne" "well....when you put it like that darling it sounds awful" "piss off, because I snap your neck, and I don't need to click my fingers to do so" I raised an eyebrow and he was gone "now...Connor...Murphy" "look we didn't know it was your sister we just-" I pulled them both in for a hug "what...are you doing?" "I'm hugging you before I slap you" "okay..hugs are good" Connor pulled me in "thank you for taking care of me whilst I weren't myself" "no problem" Murphy grinned Connor suddenly frowned "but now you're yourself, is this goodbye?" "She needs to stop the apocalypse" Sam appeared over my shoulder "zip it!" I clicked my fingers muting him "you have got to show me how to do that whoa okay I'm shutting up" I looked at dean as he stepped back "no...not goodbye, let's go, I don't want nah part of this, and hey we've all seen it isn't like hell hasn't got a ruler, and the apocalypse was stopped ages ago, these two bozos just didn't click on" "excuse me bozos?" Dean frowned "you hadn't noticed? No more earthquakes? Freak storms? Crowley was trying to freak you out" "how do you know?" "I have no idea...but It's alllll up here" I tapped my temple "now my boys, let's go" walked out the door "come on torch" "torch? Who's torch?" Murph looked at me "my hell hound...wait, still can't see? Come here" I knocked both their head together and after the cries of pain you heard the gasps "what the fuck" "torch macmanus brothers, macmanus brother torch" I continued to walk "can't we have some of that hellhound seeing stuff?" I tutted as I rolled my eyes and came back to Dean "is there an easier way than knowing our heads together?" I cracked their heads with each other's and stepped back "of course there is, that was is more fun" "more fun for who?" Sam rubbed his head "me! Now, I shall be seeing you two bozos maybe again some day? Caio" I smiled as I shut the door behind me.

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