Chapter 6

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As I sat chatting to Jared about his hunting trips, how they take him all over America another man walked in in a rush and came over to him "Sammy we need to go!" Jared looked at me with wide eyes "Sammy? His name is jared?" "Yeah...this is my brother...j..Jensen" "Jensen?" The man pulled a face "Jensen! And jared?!" He repeated again "yes and this...this is Kacy" I nodded as I drank a beer "okay has been on a hunting trip...and hasn't been home in a few days" "CaMisha? What is up with your names!?" As I looked at them, Connor and Murphy walked over "everything okay Kacy?" "Yeah fine, these guys have weird names though" they all looked at me as I chuckled into my beer bottle "Jensen, jared and CaMisha" I looked at them all as Connor looked at Murphy who gave him a knowing look "I think you'd better get out of here....freaks" "Connor!" I scolded him as I stood up, as did jared, God he was tall, "shush Kacy, these fuckers need to get their weird asses out this joint" "oh we're going!" Jensen grabbed a hold of jared and marched him out the pub.

I turned to Connor and murph "what the fuck was that about? What getting jealous were you!?" "Stay away from those bastards alright!" Murphy ordered two more beers and me and Connor had a stand off "I'll stay away as soon as you give me a fucking good reason why!" "Because they're crazy!" "What crazier than us!? Who go around killing bad guys then putting coins on their eyes and saying a god damned prayer! What've they done that's so bad!?" A barman came over as he was polishing a glass "excuse me...I couldn't help but overhear" we looked at him "those two lads, your friends are right, you don't wanna be getting in with their crowd" "why not??!!" "Their names...are Sam and Dean Winchester...look them up" he passed me a knackered old laptop and went away again as I opened it up and researched their names.

After an hour or so I closed the laptop "so?" Connor leant on the bar "Christ....they think they're real life ghostbusters..." I ran my fingers through my hair " keep your ass away from them" I nodded quickly "hey, I'm gonna head home, I'm tired and I've had enough excitement for one day" I rubbed Connors head and kissed murph us cheek before walking out the bar.

I turned down the dark alley, which was near the boys flat when I noticed someone following me, I had my gun, I was okay for now, as I sped up, so did the man "Will you leave me alone!!!" I shouted as I continued to walk down the dark street alley, "Kacy wait!! You're in danger!!" Jared grabbed my hand and pinned me to the wall my heart pace quickened "do what you need to do to me and go" I swallowed as a tear ran down my cheek "what? God no!! I'm not! Just let me explain, you're in danger" he looked down at me his eyes softened "you're not going to..." "No" he gave me a reassuring smile "I've been told all about you and your brother...jared and Jensen...more like sam and Dean Winchester and I've done my homework..." "Good this'll make it easier then" Dean appeared around the corner "you've got a nasty ghost attached to your ass and we are going to get rid of you're welcome" I looked at the pair "you two are crazy" I pushed Sam from me and continued to walk down the alley, Sam went to grab my hand again, I pulled the gun from my thigh and held it up at them "I'm a damn good shot so leave me alone, I've read the files on your sorry asses, ghosts, werewolves vampires? Whatever next...Angels?" They both looked at each other before looking back at me "really! Honestly you need hel-" I stepped back into someone, I turned around slowly "please don't hurt me..." "Hurt you? Why would i hurt you?" He frowned at me, "oh're CaMisha! What dumpster you been hiding behind then huh!?" I held my head as I put my gun away "who is CaMisha? I am Castiel, the angel of the Lord" "guys need to go check yourselves into the nearest mental hospital, ghosts aren't real, Angels aren't real and I sure as hell ain't got a god damned ghost on my ass" I walked down the alley and up the stairs to the Macmanus brothers' room.

It didn't take long for the knocking to begin, "Kacy this ghost is strong...and powerful we need to get in there now before it kills you!" "Shut up! Ghosts are not rea-" I stopped in my tacks as the pile of plates fell onto the floor "Kacy what was that?" More and more things were being thrown about, lamps knocked over, the bulb smashed sending glass everywhere, then the room went dark, until the broken lightbulb began to flicker, I couldn't move, I was too scared, I had my gun in hand, not really sure of what I was aiming at when the door burst open, Sam and Dean burst in, and shot the corner sending bits flying everywhere "believe us now?" Dean said breathlessly as he stood there, looking down at me with Sam stood next to him.

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