Azlan was thirty-three years old, my best buddy plus brother. To whom I can rely on no matter what happened. He was the only one that I ever let close to me and let myself open up to him.

"Do you need my help with something to pack?" Glancing at him I offered him my held hoping in silence for him to say 'No.' when he did, I grin in relief and look down at my sweet apple and start eating it.


Checking the time multiple times I sighed in frustration before grabbing my clothes and walking toward the bathroom to take A shower. After a nice shower, I clasped my laptop to watch a movie.

I switched my phone on and glared at the time, showing me that it was still past eleven pm. Taking a deep breath I closed the laptop with a shut and slowly walked out of my room towards my brother's room to see what he was doing. I knock on the door while looking at my parent's room to see if anyone of them was awake before slowly letting myself in. I saw Azlan laying on his stomach making me almost return to my room. But I was bored...

I gradually walked toward his bed and stand there for a while before climbing on top of him. I run my fingers through his hair before poking my finger on his shoulder.

"Bhai... Sleeping?" He opened his eyes before turning his head to the other and going to sleep again making me shake his shoulder.

"Hoor, for Allah sak--" I hurriedly put my hand over his mouth and wait for any movement from my parents before glaring at him. 

"Low your volume idiot, you wish to die at such a young age by ami slipper?" I whispered and put my hand down while staring at him. He rubbed his face with both hands and let out a groan.

"Get off me." I chuckled while climbing off him and sitting beside him before putting my head over his shoulder while closing my eyes.

"What's the matter?"

"Honestly... I dont even know what is wrong with me." I opened my eyes and stared at the darkness in the room. "I guess we are going that's why I am uneasy," I said in a low voice and rubbed my hands with my shirt as they suddenly become wet.

My head turned toward Azlan when he suddenly get up from the bed and grabbed my hand and make me stand on my place while I stared at him in confusion.

"What happened?"

"We are going out for ice cream." I heard him say while he starts wearing his shoes. I put my hands over my waist and said. "What if Ami suddenly  came and found us nowhere?"

"You are saying like it's our first time doing this and besides they are sleeping so it's not a big deal." A smile formed on my lips at his irritated voice before I walked into my room and wear on my jogger and walked back into his room.

I locked the door behind me and walked toward the opened window and poked my head out to see my brother standing there.

I climbed onto the window and with a deep breath. I jumped out of it perfectly landing on the ground and grabbed Azlan's hand.

While eating ice cream we roam on the streets for a while before coming back home and climbing back into the window as my brother said.

"Now sleep before I beat you." I raised my eyebrow at his stupid threat as pushed me out of his room and closed the door in my face making me stare at it as I sigh.

'I guess it was time for me to sleep also' I mumbled to myself and walked to my room and changed my clothes before lying on my bed.

I stared at the ceiling and suddenly his face was in my mind making me let out a groan as I say.

"Not now."

The urge to suddenly see him, to know what did he look like was getting the best of me. Just even one peak would be enough for me. For years it just felt like a high dream to me and now seeing that dream almost coming true... Feels like I was in heaven.

I heard that he joined the army and I was more than happy for him. He deserved better.

One tear slipped from my eyes while knowing fully well that there will be no future with him.

And even knowing this my heart beats fast for him because I know I will see him there in two days perhaps. And I was afraid.

I closed my eyes as they were burning.

"I just... For once, I just want to be happy and forget about everything. I wish my past would become a terrible dream so that the next morning I woke up and just forget about it. I hope that nothing terrible ever happened to any girl."


The vibration of my alarm woke me up making me let out a groan as I shut my phone with half-open eyes and pulled the comforter over my head hiding my face from the light coming from my room window.

I lay there for a while before suddenly sitting up I looked at the bags and hurriedly walked toward the washroom to freshen up.

I open the tab and splash the water on my face and stare at my reflection.

How the hell can I forget? We are going today and it slipped from my mind?!

After washing my face and brushing my teeth I walked downstairs and saw my parents and my dear brother eating their breakfast. They didn't even wait for me to wake up. What a nice family.

"Well Asalam O Alikum sleepy head." My brother came from behind me and mess with my already messed-up hair making me glare at him as I pushed the hair out of my face.

"Walaikum Assalam why didn't you wake me up?" I asked while taking the plate from my mother and kissing her on her cheeks.

"I did but you sleep like a koala." My mouth fell open and I stared at him in disbelief.

"I sleep like a koala?? Are you talking about me or bout yourself?" And from there our argument starts about who sleeps like a koala and of course, I did not win because my parents also agreed with him. Like I said what a nice family.

After breakfast, I walked back to my room and started to get ready. After getting ready I looked at my reflection in the mirror and nodded to myself.

I was wearing white printed kameez, which reached my knees, with red pants. I did a little bit of makeup and did my nikab, grabbed my shawl and my bag, and make my way downstairs.

I'm ready," I said and gave my bags to my dad.

We all sit in the car and after half an hour we finally reached the airport. My heart picked up its speed as we reached there.

I tried to take a deep breath but it was not helping me my anxiety was getting the best of me and I stop walking as my vision blurred. An arm wrapped around my waist And a familiar scent filled my nose making me close my eyes.

"Relax...shh... I am here." Azlan rubbed my back as I stand there for a while and then looked up and give him a small smile. He looked at me for a minute and patted my head before grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.

We take our seats on the plane and when it was full...

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen this is the captain speaking. We are now ready to take off. Please fasten your seat belt, and enjoy your flight. Thank you". I heard, what the pilot said and did.
I closed my eyes.
As I prayed to Allah that we reached there safely.





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