He came across a stream of photos, all posted this morning, that made his face light up in a massive grin. Harry must have finished editing the photos, because Ed had posted half a dozen of the photos that Harry had taken at his show. Louis scrolled down to see the caption on one of them.
'Show last weekend was proper class! Had a bunch of my mates in the crowd, including the lad who took these brilliant photos, Harry Styles. (Get yourself an Instagram, mate!) Got a big surprise for you lot... I've got my first album coming out at the end of next month! Til then, spending lots of time in the studio with my new sound tech, @NialljHoran.'
Louis scrolled through and 'liked' every photo that Ed had posted from the show. He commented on the post with the long caption 'Congrats, mate! Can't wait to hear the album!'
Instagram had been a good use of time, because the next time he looked at the time, it was 4:35. He tossed his phone on the couch as he stood up to grab his stuff. He grabbed his phone charger and a black hoodie from his room, pulled on a pair of white vans, and walked out of his flat, locking the door behind him. Louis stepped out of his building, stopping to pull his hoodie on. The sky had gotten darker with clouds, the air getting chillier. Louis pulled the hood up over his head, slung his bag back over his shoulder, and hurried across the park towards Harry's flat. Almost fifteen minutes later, he'd made it to Harry's building and ducked into the lobby right as it started pouring. He got in the lift, and as the doors were shutting his phone buzzed.

Hey! You almost here? don't want you getting caught in the rain love. Be safe! Let me know if you want me to come pick you up instead. xx

Louis didn't reply, instead he got out of the lift on Harry's floor and went and knocked on his door. Harry pulled it open, grinning, and pulled Louis inside into a hug.

"You made it! And you're mostly dry." Harry laughed and ran his hand through Louis' hair to shake out some of the rain drops clinging to it.

"Mostly." Louis laughed and pulled back from Harry. He shook his hair like a dog and pulled off his hoodie. Harry took his backpack for him and stuck it on the couch, then took Louis' hand and brought him into the kitchen with him.

"Okay, so I'm making pasta with chicken and veg if that's alright?"

Louis could see the pot of water boiling behind Harry, and he pulled the box of pasta off the counter and handed it to him.

"Sounds amazing. Your water is boiling though." Louis laughed as Harry turned around in a mini panic to dump the pasta in and turn the heat down.

Louis came up behind him and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist as he stirred the pasta. Louis helped Harry chop vegetables for their dinner as Harry cooked the chicken and drained the water from the pasta. Once all the chicken and veg was cooked, Harry tossed it all in a large pan with a bit of white wine and butter, letting it all simmer on low temp while he grabbed plates and glasses. Harry poured them each a glass of red wine into small glass cups and served a bit of the pasta on each ivory coloured ceramic plate. He set the plates to the kitchen island while he put a lid on the pasta and grabbed forks for them both. He put the plates and glasses of wine on the far side of the island where two metal bar stools stood. He grabbed a candle from the living room and brought it back and lit it, placing it in front of their meals. They took a seat at the counter, looking at the amazing meal that Harry had prepared, with a bit of Louis' help.

"Harry, this looks incredible."

"Thanks, love. Thank you for your help." He leaned over to give Louis a quick kiss before the dug into their food.

They sat and talked about their days while they ate, enjoying each other's company and sharing small kisses here and there.

"So... Lou. Uh."

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