Chapter 2-1: Life is an amusement park [CLASS TRIAL]

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Monochune: Ahem! Now then! Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial. During the trial you will present your arguments for who the culprit is and "whodunnit". Vote correctly, and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person...I'll punish everyone BESIDES the blackened, and that person will graduate from this school! Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so you better vote for someone! You know the rules. And begin!

Miku: (scared) Ah! Ah ah! AHHHHHHH! I'M NOT READY!

Piko: Is the period blood still scaring you Miku? I'm sorry! I don't mean to scare you!

Miku: Because you said period blood on Luka's knee and I saw it...

Luka: Mimi, I'm not guilty. Remember I fainted. Just calm down, everything will be ok?

Miku: Ok?

Luka: Now close your eyes and deeply...

Fukase: (interrupts) Enough Of your petty mindfulness yoga shit Lucock. Let's get this exciting trial ready!

Flower: Like no one is excited for this Fukase...

Ok. I need to keep on track here, I need to find out what this murder weapon is...

SeeU: Ok lets start with the murder weapon, What was it?

Flower: It was a rope to be sure.

Piko: A rope? How could you kill them? By whipping?

Len: It couldn't be whipping if we didn't see any scars.

Rin: Maybe it could have been like...he was beaten until he passed out?

Miku: didn't seem like it he was hung nor whipped.

Fukase: Are you blind Miku? He was clearly hung!


Fukase: Wrong? Come on, he was clearly hung.

Yuka: Well, we don't know for sure, but somehow it could be a fake act.

Rin: A fake act?

Flower: Maybe he could have been killed another way but he was hung to make us confused.

Gumi: But he clearly was hung right?

Fukase: Yeah he was hung!

Neru: Let's look back on the clues. A bone was sticking out of his head.

Oliver: Ouch, That must hurt.

Teto: Then, he must have been attacked another way.

Miku: You're right! The bone seemed to be not in shape therefore he wasn't hung to death.

Flower: And his face. Does that look like he choked?

Does it look like he choked?

Rin: Kaito looks, perfectly fine.

Flower: Correct. If he was choked, then he would have been quite pale.

Piko: I See it now. He looks upset more like.

Neru: When I touched his face, it seemed still warm.

Rin: But If He choked, wouldn't he have his mouth open?

Len: Like sucking on a juicy dick!

Luka: But from the face I remember seeing, his eyes were wide open.

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