40 @athenathebrainybxtch

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Calm down, Suqar

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Calm down, Suqar. You can survive ruining one of your ships... Again... -_-

I found the guys I threatened with fish and made them fly me to 221 baker Street (apparently NOT an ave at all :/ )

I found the rotten fish's corpse I had left at Al's place ages ago, even though it stank, so I could threaten them again.

They reluctantly flew me there and dropped me at the front of the house as not to wake anyone (it was night)

I had been taught by a Hermes kid how to pick a lock so I did that as quietly as possible and snuck into Sherlock's room.

I threw a sleeping dart into his neck to make sure he wouldn't wake up as I stuffed him in a body bag.

Then I dragged him to the nearest restaurant and locked all the doors so he couldn't escape before lightly kicking the bag.

"WAKE UP!" I screeched, deciding to take Al's approach.

When there was no movement I opened the bag, I saw Sherlock unmoving. Then I checked the sleeping dart.

Was that a poison dart?

I shrugged. No one said he had to be alive.

I dragged him onto a seat with great struggle and lit a candle and gave him food that he didn't eat, and ate my food that I stole from the kitchen.

Then I called up the pilots and got them to help me get me and him to chb so they dropped me and dead Sherlock at Thalia's tree.

I dragged him in and grabbed a megaphone from some random hiding place - although there was also a sniper gun in there. It could be useful so I took it.

"EVERYONE GATHER AROUND! INCLUDING ALYSSA!" I screamed into the megaphone.

Everyone instantly rushed and I checked that Alyssa was there, Which she was, with a string tied around her waist.

I kissed Sherlock on the forehead then wiped my mouth.

Sherlock instantly came to life and in a panic, I shot him with the sniper gun and he fell to the floor.

There was a horrified silence and I ran for my life.


Inspired by a story about a guy to faked his death thinking people would mourn, but they had a party so he unfaked his death and the thought he was a ghost so they batted him and actually killed him.

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