33 @diamondgirl919

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Okay... Deep breaths in... Deep coughs out. Here goes...

I took a deep breath and knocked on the Athena door. One of the Athena children answered it, her nose stuck in her book.

"Ermm... Can I get Annabeth?" I said in a grave voice as if someone had died, except I was about to die.

She nodded and called to the cabin, "Annabeth! Suqar wants you!"

Inside, I could just tell Annabeth lifting her head up, sighing. "Okay..." She closed her book and went to the door. "What do you want?"

The other girl left to go back to reading.

"Umm... Can you take me to Percy?" I fidgeted with my hands nervously, looking down.

"Sure, he's training right now," Annabeth shrugged and went off to the lake as I followed.

Percy was fighting with Clarisse, who probably wanted to take his head off. I felt my face burn at the slightly larger audience.

Annabeth looked at me, confused, "well there he is, see ya." She turned to leave. I had to think quick.

"I um, come with me..."

"Okay," Annabeth grew more suspicious by the second.

We walked down to where Percy and Clarisse were fighting as I tried to come up with a way to get Clarisse out.

"Er Clarisse?" I asked. They paused. "Chiron wants you," Annabeth gave me a confused look and I understood.

Clarisse nodded before heading away. When she was out of sight I rushed up to Percy and gave him a quick kiss.

Annabeth stared at me and the shocked Percy before screaming "YOU DARE MESS WITH THIS SHIP???"

I backed away, terrified. Then she called, "LEO!!!" and he somehow appeared out of thin air like a house elf.

I had no time to question it before Annabeth was ordering Leo throw fireballs at me as if it were a snowfight.

I sprinted away until I could no longer see Camp half-blood and for extra measures, I flew to England in hiding.

Yes yes, I know I said no stories, but this one seemed fun.... Well, I do kind of ship them, but it's too early...

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