Chapter 6: The Settlement

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Never, never in her entire life had she witnessed such power, such strength. Raven had always respected power, always believed that the strong survived and the weak die. But on that day, were her eyes truly opened.

That monster, a horrifying being that could eliminate with a single thought. The demons he summoned, his apparent immortality, it was as if she was before one of the brothers themselves. He sure didn't act like it at first,  then again, she had no reason to believe he was, that.

He told her that he had many names, but she could call him Y/N, or boss. She felt as if she had no choice but to oblige.

Raven was thankful that he spared her tribe, even though he clearly didn't want to. It was like their lives mattered so little to him that he didn't care whether they still breathed. While she only came back to the tribe out of loyalty and a desire to build them up again, she couldn't deny that she had sort of enjoyed her time with them, Vernal especially. Vernal was like a daughter to her, probably a lot more than her real one.

So it was only natural that she would seek out to restore those connections, to try and escape. When she tried to establish communication between former members of the tribe, including Vernal, he caught her. She awaited her demise, a beating, just any anger that would undoubtedly be unleashed from him, but none came.

He was strangely sympathetic, and allowed her to call Vernal and other members she grew close with on her scroll. It wasn't like she could go see them face to face anymore, he made sure of that by disabling her semblance, saying that she can use it when he approves. Such a comment scared her even more, that a being existed with power that could lock away a part of herself. While semblance altering abilities did exist, they were extremely rare and limited in their effectiveness.

Thankfully she was able to meet with them, her family, with permission from her boss of course. While she did have special privileges such as an almost infinite supply of lien, food, and a nice place to call home, she was given a set of rules.

1. Do not inform anyone of our deal

2. Never reveal who you work for, or what they can do

3. Always follow directions to the letter, they are given to you for a reason.

4. If you want someone killed, make sure it isn't linked back to us

There were other things on that list, but those were just a few out of like, 12. However, she was allowed to roam around and do as she pleased, as long as she could keep in contact with him. That was rule number 8.

Raven was currently taking advantage of that rule and was sitting in a bar in downtown Vale, their residence for the time being. It was a chore to come here, but it was worth it for the bitter poison that would take the pain away.

All of a sudden, the door opened up, and in stepped her employer, the person who basically owned her as of right now. He walked in, ordered a drink, and took a seat across from her.

Y/N:"What are you doing here?"

She turned in her chair, and came face to face with the devil himself.


Y/N:"About what exactly? Care to share?"

Raven:"Do I even need to? You can probably read my mind, or force me to tell you everything"

Y/N:"Your right, I could, but where's the fun in that? I don't like messing with people's mind, it robs the illusion of free will that your kind posseses. I prefer you tell me on your own terms, this isn't a one-sided deal you know? I'm willing to help you, if you help me."

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