Chapter 5: The Kingdom

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Vale was boring, really boring. I could have gone to Atlas, or hell, even Menagerie for crying out loud! This kingdom was just bland and unoriginal, well, compared to the others. The reason why I wasn't soaking up sun on a paradise island right now, or freezing up in a floating city, was because of preparation. Let me explain.

While Vale was large and amazing, from it's architecture to it's bumbling citizens, it felt most like home. I had the opportunity to explore new lands and broaden my horizons, but I needed something familiar first. I didn't want to jump into this culture of my new dimension recklessly, so I thought it would be best to, dip my toes in, so to speak.

It has also come to my attention that one of the clients' lackey, Ozma, was here. While my goals didn't really involve him in a anyway, it would be wise to observe him to ensure he doesn't stick his nose where it doesn't belong. I have reason to believe he has a goal of his own, so that should keep him occupied for the time being. Ha! Look at me acting like a generic movie villan!

Actually? That's quite concerning. But it can't be helped I guess, going through what I experienced will change your view of the world, or worlds.

After contemplating various options, I found Vale suitable for my place of residence. It was the most connected kingdom, had allies like Atlas. It also had the most crime, so the police and citizens would be none the wiser if any actions of mine were compromised.

Speaking of crime, I wonder if I can get anyone from this place to do some of my dirty work for me? Oh who am I kidding, I could just get Raven to do it.

As I pondered letting my new employee taking initiative, I realized something important. I needed a job. Specifically I needed to blend into the city, and be as unnoticeable as possible. Sure I could wipe some poor unfortunate souls' memory so they don't remember me, or just be invisible, but where's the fun in that?

G-man, and also me, have the power to do anything we want, at any time. But notice how we don't. It's because while we can complete our jobs in just a matter of seconds, we generally let other 'lesser' beings do it for us. Not because we're lazy, but having such a high level being warp time and space too often is not good for the framework of the multiverse.

So in short, I was sort of acting like chess master, putting pieces on the board to act on my behalf, with altering the rules here and there to give me an edge up. That's one of the reasons I picked up Raven as one of my employees, so she could push things in the right direction without interference from me.

I decided to take residence in an apartment complex, as sort of a base of operations for the time being. And when I say an apartment complex, I mean the whole god damn building. What, you expect me to just use a few rooms? I am humble, but I'm not THAT humble.

Raven has been scouting out the local gangs and businesses, providing info on what's a threat and what's not. While the surge in dust robberies were concerning, it didn't leave as much of a mark as I thought.

Alright, enough explaining useless tidbits, back to the hunt for employment! One of the few options I considered was a seat on government, specifically the kingdoms council. Such a position would allow many opportunities for me to take over, or be involved in plans to prepare this world for it's fate. But as a councilman, all eyes would be on me, I would have to be extra careful as to not give anything away. So that idea was bust.

I needed to clear my head, so I decided to take a tour of the town and explore. A nice stroll through the night should do me some good. Strange, no one else was out tonight, I'd expect to at least see some cars or....


The hell was that?

Turning my head, I saw a dust shop, 'Dust till dawn', with a broken window. And some kid who looked like the grim reaper had a teenage daughter.

I then gazed upon what seemed to be 3 grown men having their asses kicked by a pubescent child

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I then gazed upon what seemed to be 3 grown men having their asses kicked by a pubescent child. I was going to jump in and help the little red reaper, but she handled herself nicely. New employee perhaps?

As soon as Ruby, yeah I finally found out her name, was done with the goons, Roman Torchwick himself waltzed out the shop. An infamous their who recently gained a lot of new about his string of robberies. Lucky me for witnessing one firsthand. He then muttered something under his breath, something about cents I guess, and then aimed his cane at Ruby.

I mean I could let her take the hit from it, but something inside me just, wouldn't. I felt worried, scared, and before I knew it, I warped in front of the blast.

When the smoke cleared, I stood before them. Tattered suit and glowing eyes.

Roman:"Awe great, another hunter. What's your deal, huh?"

I laughed, not gonna lie I got a bit over the top there. I glanced back at Ruby and gave her a nod and turned back to Roman.

Y/N:"Buddy, I think you better start running."

Roman:"Funny, I had the same idea..."

Is it really that time, again? (G-man male reader x RWBY)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang