Chapter 16: The Recruitment

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Note: If you have not played or seen the ending of Half Life: Alyx, pls do so quickly on youtube so you aren't lost, or don't, I'm not your dad.

(G-man POV)

As a hunter creeped ever closer to it's prey, so did my retirement edge further into view. In my thousand of years of service, my falsely perceived eternal submission to those of a higher power than me would finally come to an end. In my time as an impeccable businessman, I have accomplished many endeavors. I have both saved and destroyed lives, toyed with the fabric of reality, expanded the size of the 'company' I work for, and even detonated a nuclear bomb at one point.

My existence is filled with lies, power, sabotage, and observation, but soon I could put all that behind me, I could finally rest. I will not lie, the worlds I've seen have intrigued me, such as one populated by a dark knight, another with an endless war between spartans, elites, and brutes, a repeating timeline of determined humans and soulless monsters, and a world of magic with a man who possessed the soul of a dragon.

I will miss it, but I also look forward to my rest. My work as of now has impressed my employer's so much, they have allowed me to retire early. If it wasn't for that time with FREEMAN that had so negatively impacted my performance in their eyes, I could have left my employment even earlier. But my new client, one with even more potential than my greatest failure, has earned back their favor.

Speaking of that client...

I returned to the In-between, where the newest addition to the work force was currently held. It was quite an interesting tale of how we met, and how she was indoctrinated into our ranks, but I myself and my employer's are happy with the results she will bring.

But while the new recruit does have potential, we must see to it that she lives up to the expectations we have for her. So I have appealed to my employers to humbly ask that the new blood be put under the care and watchful eye of Mr. L/N. Such a partnership would prove beneficial for both.

My employers, ever so impressed with my ideas, agreed, and allowed me to progress with my plan before I left. They officially designated this as my last assignment under them, my final job.

I traveled inside In-between, making my way to where my client was being kept. There she was, one who would bring prosperity to our little organization. She was being kept in stasis, as to prevent her mortality from ending her as she was stationed here. A blissful sleep, free from the pressure and responsibilities of the world. While it would be cruel to release her from her state of euphoria, we all had a job to do.

I awoke her from her slumber, and waited while she caught her breath.

???:"What? Where am I... Dad?"

She looked around, horrified by her surroundings, until she later her eyes on me.

???:"You! Where am I?! What did you do to me?!"

G-man:"Calm yourself, as I have informed you before, you have been hired! While you must be under alot of stress and dealing with the loss of your current reality, rest assured, all will be well if you continue to obey us."

???:"I don't want to serve you! You're just like the combine! Taking whatever you want and hurting others without a care!!"

G-man:"I can assure you that my employers despise the combine as much as you do, and we do not use their brutal tactics to do our jobs. While we commit actions that may harm others, everyone we've hurt, directly or indirectly, has found a new purpose under us. Remind you of anyone, hm?"

Is it really that time, again? (G-man male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now