Chapter 3

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The world implodes around me. I feel a tight, claustrophobic sensation surrounding me and diluting all of my senses. It sort of reminds me of what I imagine apparating feels like.

I try to open my eyes, but it's impossible. It almost feels as if something is forcing them shut. Some invisible force in charge of the Travelling passageways. Is that even what they're called? Passageways? And, come to think of it, do they even exist before a Traveller uses them? Or are they created on the spot? And if they are, what happens to them afterwards? Do they disappear? Or do they have another purpose?...

I lose my train of thought as the pressure begins to subside. I feel the tightness unravel as my world goes from black to red beneath my closed eyelids. It's only then that the question of where I'll end up occurs to me. I know I'm going to Terrina, but where in the world am I going?! Well, I guess I'm about to find out.

I slowly open my eyes as my feet touch the ground. I look around to see trees. Lots of trees. I'm in a forest. Okay then... what now? Oh god; I didn't really think this one through, did I?

Alright, so my top priority at the moment is probably finding shelter. I don't know what the weather here is like this time of year and I don't want to be sleeping in the rain. Or worse.

I snap the book shut and stuff it in my bag, looking around for potential shelters as I start to wander. The forest looks pretty normal, at least compared to what I've seen before. The trees are tall and narrow, reaching up to the skies, and the forest floor is littered with bushes, moss, and flowers.

I pause as I come across a flower with bright green petals. The stem and leaves are a dark navy color, a stark contrast to the luminescent shade of the petals. But the most interesting thing about the flower is the fact that it stands alone. It's not surrounded by a cluster or on a bush or anything. I start to walk closer to it when a voice startles me out of my thoughts.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." My eyes widen as I turn to see a person standing about a dozen feet away from me. Their tan face holds an almost wary expression as they step closer. "That's a wild chlorosin; one touch can get you seriously sick."

"O-oh," I mutter, quickly stepping away from the plant. After an awkward moment of the two of us staring at each other, I dig Hetta's notebook out of my bag and quickly write a note under 'Terrina'.

Chlorosin; poisonous. Neon green flower with dark blue stem. Do not touch!

"What are you doing?" The mystery person asks, eyeing my book curiously.

"Just... taking notes..." I say; my face burning from embarrassment as they quirk up an eyebrow. I take this moment to study them. They look about my age, fifteen or sixteen, with medium toned skin and brown eyes. Their grey shirt complements their black jeans and beanie pretty well, and I take note of how they don't seem to have any sort of bag on them; just a sweatshirt tied around their waist.

"Notes? What for?" Amusement starts to light their tone, though the wary look still remains in their eyes.

"So I don't do something stupid next time I run into it. Duh." I say with a small smirk as I stuff the journal back into the bag. "I'm Sara, by the way," I say, extending my hand.

"Jekk," is their response. "What are you doing?" They ask, their eyes trained on my hand.

"Oh! I'm well, you know... it's... a handshake..." I trail off, realizing how stupid I sound. Of course they don't know what a handshake is. This world has entirely different traditions and mannerisms from mine; I can't expect them to understand everything I do. "Never mind," I say, stuffing my hand in my pocket.

"O-kaay..." Jekk trails off, studying me closer. "And what, pray tell, are you doing out here in the middle of the woods?"

"Seriously dude? I could ask you the same question." I retort, watching them as their posture relaxes and their eyebrows furrow.

"Dude? What is that? Should I be insulted?" The wry tone of their voice makes me chuckle; especially when it's paired with the genuine confusion showing on their face.

"Nah. It's just a thing I call people."

We both stand there awkwardly as the silence continues. I clear my throat in an attempt to dispel some of the awkwardness, even though it does nothing to help.

"Is that caltite?" Jekk suddenly asks, their eyes lighting up as they lock onto my ring.

My eyes widen as i look down at my hand. "Yeah... wait, how do you know that?" I thought caltite was native to Panghea, Hetta's homeworld.

"I..." they trail off, looking almost like a deer caught in headlights, before a look takes over their face that seems more curious and fascinated than guilty. " You're not from here, are you?"

I sigh. "No..."

"Are you... a Traveller?" Their voice seems almost hesitant to ask.

"No... yes.. sorta... not really." I ramble as the confusion becomes even more apparent on their face. I let out a sigh. "My grandmother, or, great-great-grandmother, was a Traveller. I only just found out. Some of this is her stuff," I say, indicating to my bag. "Honestly, I just rushed into this and I don't really know what I'm doing and-"

"Hey-hey! It's okay!" They say, stepping forward, reaching out as if to hug or console me before awkwardly taking a step back and dropping their hands to their sides. "Ah-sorry. I'm not really good with... emotions... and stuff..." they trail off, looking at their shoes.

"No! It's okay!" I say. "It helped... sort of..." I trail off with an awkward chuckle. "Thanks."

"Do you want to stay at my place tonight?" Their eyes widen in embarrassment immediately after the words leave their mouth. "I mean, you said you rushed, and I'm assuming you don't have anywhere to stay and I live alone, and I have a spare room so..."

"Sure!" I say, easing some of the embarrassment from their face.

"Great! Uh, it's this way," Jekk says, indicating for me to follow them.

I walk behind them, before something stops me in my tracks. "Oh! Wait!" I exclaim, causing them to turn around and look at me. "I forgot to ask you; what are your pronouns?"


So, I'm gonna pretend like I haven't not uploaded a chapter for this since literally fall....
Okay, so I'm going to try to be more proactive and write more for this story, especially since I have so much free time due to quarantine! In the meantime, I'm also writing a lot of one-shots for my one-shot book! Feel free to check it out!
Alright, imma head out now... bye!


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