Chapter 2

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The Travellers.

That's what the top of the page says. What does that mean? Did she like to travel a lot? Was it a friend group or squad? Well, I guess my questions will be answered soon enough.

We are the Travellers. We know our worlds, inside and out. But we don't know the others. Today is my 16th yearday, the day I can finally Travell!

I plan on going to Qora, to see the natural scenery. I hear it's beautiful no matter where in the world you are. I can't wait!! I've been waiting for this day my whole life, and now it's finally here!

In this journal, I am keeping my notes from all of my Travells to the other worlds. This is where my self will remain, and I know I will need it.

It's time! World notes, starting, now!

.....What was that? It's definitely not what I was expecting. Travelling? Other worlds? This doesn't make much sense.

I flip through the other pages, hoping for an explanation; but all I find is pages and pages of what looks like a handwritten encyclopedia on things I never thought existed.

At the top of each page is a name, the name of the world she was supposedly in at the time. Qora, Panzhe, Terrina, Fedlic, the list went on and on.

I honestly don't know what to think. From the looks of it, Grandma Hetta seems to have been part of some sort of inter-dimensional traveler-type people. But do I really believe that? Do I really think she could magically transport herself to another world, just like that?

Of course I don't. But... maybe I do? Ugh! Why can't I make up my mind about this?! I mean, my necklace did unlock the chest.... But, that could be coincidence, right?

No. It wasn't.

I don't know what exactly this is, or why I believe it, but I do. And I'm standing by my decision, no matter how ridiculous it is. Right? Right! Ok!

Hesitantly, I put my necklace back on and start to look through the other things in the chest. I start with the cloak. I carefully lift and shake out the deep red fabric, watching it tumble open.

I run the thick silky material through my fingers. What the heck is this thing made out of? It feels soft and liquid, yet it looks a lot like velvet. The deep, almost purple-red color catches the light in mesmerising ways, reflecting a whole rainbow of colors.

I carefully lay the cloak next to me and move on to the pouches. I reach over and pick up one with a green tie. It opens to reveal a black luminescent dust. Confused, I reach for another pouch, this one with a blue tie. I open it, only to find what looks like the exact same thing, except this one was more matte.

I wonder why someone would store dust in here. Obviously it must have some importance, considering it was in here with a ton of valuable-looking artefacts. I bite my lip and rummage through the chest some more.

After about an hour of searching through the stuff (yes, there's that much to look at!), I come across a ring. Now, compared to some of the other stuff I've already found, this shouldn't seem so big or important. But, for some reason, it did.

The ring looks like it's made out of liquid bronze, shining in the sunlight coming in from the window. Embedded in the center is what looks like an emerald; or, at least some type of green gemstone. Nothing too fancy.

Hesitantly, I slide it onto my right middle finger. Huh. Perfect fit. I hold my hand further into the sunlight to get a better look at the ring. It's beautiful.

Smiling to myself, I reach for the journal again, wanting to investigate further on the mysterious topic that is my grandmother. As I'm looking through the first couple pages, I find one with these words at the top: How To Travell.

Well that's convenient. Looking down, I start reading the page.

Yesterday, for my sixteenth yearday, I received my corra. Mother had it made into the form of a beautiful ring of bronze and caltite.

Huh, corra, so that's what the ring is. What's a corra? I look down to keep reading.

I decided to write down what I learned yesterday about the art of Travelling, in case I ever need to remember it. It's quite simple really; all you need to do is focus all of your mind and energy on your corra, then internally (or externally) say the name of the world you wish to visit.

I'm not nearly advanced enough to do precise locations yet, but that is the general idea of the art. Because of all this, I must keep my ring on at all times.

I let out a large gust of breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding. Wow. Honestly, there is hardly any doubt left in my mind that what this journal is saying is the truth. I can't really explain it, but I could practically hear the emotion and honesty in her voice as I read her recorded thoughts.

I look down at my hand, where the aforementioned ring rest on my finger. Though, I guess it isn't just a ring, but a corra. And the gem in the center isn't emerald, but something called caltite.

But, if this ring is the corra Hetta was talking about, does that mean it can allow me to travel to other worlds?? I believe that my great-great-grandma could do it, but the prospect of me doing it just seems downright absurd.

But looking down at the ring, I realise I kind of want to. I want to try Travelling; try seeing other worlds I could only begin to dream of. I want to meet new people, with strange and beautiful customs and traditions. And I want to learn as much as possible about the Travellers, and who exactly they are.

With a burst of adrenaline and excitement, i start to act upon the plan forming in my head. I grab a leather belt from the chest and start to slide the colorfully-stringed pouches on. I don't really know what they do, but they seem important.

Next, I rush downstairs and start packing my large satchel, filling it with clothes, water bottles, a crapton of snacks, and other necessities. I then change my shorts into leggings, put on some sneakers, and slip on a zip-up hoodie. With my bag full and clothes ready, I bolt back upstairs and scan the chest,

I slide the belt around my waist, buckling it when I'm sure it's tight, and smile to myself. I'm aware that what I'm doing is stupid and beyond reckless, but honestly, I don't care. Life's presented me with an opportunity, and I'm gonna take it; no matter how risky it is.

I pull my satchel over my shoulder and across my chest to make sure it won't fall off. Then, I pick up the purple-red cloak and lay it across my shoulders, securing it at the front.

I look into the large mirror, now leaning against a wall, and smile at my reflection. I kneel down and pick up the last item I need; the book. Opening it, I start to rifle through the pages, looking for a world to explore. Finally, my eyes land on a word at the top of a page.

As my eyes wander down, I smile. This world seems like a good start. And the physical description of the people isn't that different from that of humans. It's perfect.

I push the book into my satchel and start to concentrate on the ring. I close my eyes, but focus all of my energy into that one spot. Then, when I feel ready, I say the word.




Chapter two!! And yes, I am aware that the whole "upload every Friday" thing was complete and utter bull. I only just finished this chapter and I've been working on my other story!!

Anyways! I hope you liked this chapter! I'm aware that Sara acted super recklessly, but I wanted to give you a glimpse of her personality. She's loud and headstrong, but also pretty modest.

I'm going to try to upload chapter three when my inspiration for it is complete; for now, please check out my other story: Superheroes (work in progress).


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